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Copypasta of anime culture, weebs and meme quotes from popular anime such as Jojo, My Hero Academia and Haikyuu. Also contains popular anime ASCII art such as Oh? You’re Approaching Me?” and “Suprised Pikachu”.

Response to SAO Hate Copypasta

    Written by u/Samuawesome, its a response to all the hate Sword Art Online (SAO) gets whenever there is discussion on the anime. It explains the difference between the anime and its source material and why the anime has many elements that people dislike.

    This topic has been discussed to death on here. Even Reddit’s crappy search bar can find similar posts to what you’re asking.
    In 2001, Reki Kawahara wrote SAO for a short story competition on the simple premise of "if players were to get trapped inside something like an MMORPG and couldn't get out, what would all those players do?" (perhaps even earlier if the prototype manga rumors are true). However, due to the word limit of the contest, he could only write a few stories rather than fully fleshing out everything and it had to be self-contained. So, SAO mainly focused on certain aspects such as Kirito and Asuna's relationship.
    All the original SAO contained was basically in volume 1 of the light novels (with presumably some changes from the web novel). The novel starts with Kirito grinding on floor 74 and flashbacks to specific stories within the arc (Kayaba's hologram, the Ragout Rabbit dinner, the Kuradeel story, etc.) and then the novel finishes with the gleam eyes fight, the marriage, and the final duel.
    Because the author went over the word limit, he just decided to publish SAO as a web novel instead. He then proceeded to write several side stories in the Aincrad arc (Liz and Silica's introductions, Yui's story, the moonlit black cats travesty, etc.) and moved onwards to the other arcs. By 2008, Alicization was wrapped up in the WNs.
    When SAO was adapted into a light novel and then into an anime, they essentially took all that he wrote and put it into chronological order for the anime. They even asked him to write what was essentially the first arc of the progressive novels to help his original story flow better and to add more content to the anime (which they butchered lol).
    One of the major gripes people have with the series is that they expected SAO to cover the 100 floors of Aincrad, but it didn’t. So, it was disappointing to them due to all the time skips and how they move on from Aincrad after 14 episodes. However, I’d argue that the SAO story as a whole never intended to stick with the death game (hence why progressive was made later on to focus on it). The Aincrad arc of the anime was just a stepping stone for the later arcs to build off of. SAO was just a simple story that later delved into how the lines between technology/virtual reality and real life were starting to get blurred. Yet, the anime was heavily marketed as one.
    Another problem SAO had was that the author was a novice at writing in 2001. He used sexual assault a couple of times in his work due to him being influenced by other famous books he read. The anime adaptation plays them up a lot (especially Leafa’s scene in WoU which wasn’t even as sexual in the source material) which made people uncomfortable. However, the author hasn’t written another scene like that in the past 15 or so years now. He even constantly apologizes to the voice actors after the episodes adapting them are aired.
    SAO’s anime adaptation was also riddled with a lot of problems that usual light novel adaptations have. For instance, details not being able to be adapted or rushed over, certain light novel things that can’t be adapted into a visual medium, etc. ALO (one of the most hated arcs) was especially impacted because of all the things that were cut.
    The studio adapting it also makes a ton of really stupid changes here and there that source material readers have been complaining about for years. For instance, a ton of Kirisuna scenes were cut in Alicization so that the studio could add more "harem-y" scenes. The fact that a lot of anime-only people think sexual assault and goofy villains are a constant and reoccurring thing in SAO (despite sexual assault only being used twice) kinda shows how much A-1 dropped the ball with this stuff.
    Kirito's characterization was also meddled with due to light novel adaptation problems and A-1's decisions. The anime adaptation does his character really dirty leading to a lot of people criticizing Kirito as "the worst MC ever" or "a typical edgy OP MC with a harem".
    A-1 pictures loves playing up his cool loner side who attracts all the girls. In comparison, the Kirito in the light novels is an indecisive teenager who self doubts himself all the time in his inner monologues. He also has a genuinely witty side and he extensively observes his surroundings in new situations making it interesting to read his thought process. He has some OP moments, but he only gets them after being beaten to a pulp by villains who are way stronger than him and after he gets extensive support from his comrades. Additionally, all the trauma and character arcs he has are rushed over in the anime adaptation resulting in the viewer having to piece them together.
    The last thing is that SAO is popular. A lot of YouTubers got a lot of views for their “SAO bad” videos and beat the dead horse for awhile. SAO has its flaws, but some of these videos either made things up or greatly exaggerated some of the issues rather than criticizing the actual flaws of the series. Thus, since people like parroting the opinions of the youtubers they watch instead of forming their own opinions, it results in SAO threads filled with these wrong facts being used as actual "criticisms".
    Also, when it was airing, a lot of people were saying how it was "the greatest anime they've ever seen" (kind of like how Demon Slayer threads are now). People on the internet usually get annoyed by these types of statements, hence why a lot of backlash was created within the anime community.
    It’s mainly a vocal minority that hate it though. More people either like it or are indifferent towards it. However, SAO being so popular meant the minority is as large as the majority of some shows.
    In the end, if you liked it, then that’s all that matters. 

    Gogeta changed my life.

      Boy oh boy where do I even begin. Gogeta… honey, my pookie bear. I have loved you ever since I first laid eyes on you. The way you charge into the enemies and strike fear into your enemies unique gauge counter. Your silky smooth AOE protection, and god, that gorgeous Assault Chain. I would do anything for you. I wish it were possible to freeze time so I would never have to watch you fall out of meta. You had a rough debut, but you never gave up hope. I forvever dread and weep, thinking of the day you will be powercrept. I would sacrifice my own life it were the only thing that could zenkai LL Super Saiyan God SS Gogeta(DBL30-01S). You have given me so much joy, and heartbreak over the past 3 months. I remember when BLAZING AZURE COMBINATION ended, and its like my heart got broken into a million pieces. But a tear still fell from my right eye when I watched you prevent enemy counters and cover changes, because deep down, my glorious king deserved it. I just wanted you to stay relevant. Then allas, you did, my sweet baby boy was the solution to counters, and I rejoiced. 2021 was a hard year for us baby, but in 2022 you made history happen. You began the unique gauge counter meta and I couldn't believe it. I was crying, bawling even, and I heard my glorious king exclaim these words,
      "IT'S FUTILE! HOPE YOU'RE READY!" Not only have you changed the game of DBL PVP and the world forever, but you've eternally changed my world. And now you're slowly getting older, but still the goat, my goat. I love you pookie bear, my glorious king, Gogeta Blue. 🥰❤️🫶🏽


        I want to plug Rapi day in and day out. Forget every other woman in this game, she's the best one by far. I love everything about Rapi and would do anything to make her happy. I haven't seen Evangelion so I can't say anything about the suit but I need to peel it off. I'm taking her straight to bed and claiming her. We're going to be connected 24/7 and nothing is stopping us. I need to see Rapi bent over and how that suit hugs her curves. Does she sweat under that? Can I collect it? Did she shower? I need Rapi. 

        I hate Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure

          I hate Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. I immediately lose respect for anyone who watches it, and especially those who praise it. Here's why:
          Name 20 successful people that watches it. Popular series basically run the show when it comes to anime. This includes shows like Dragon Ball Z, Bleach, Sailor Moon, Death Note, Attack On Titan, Sword Art Online, Love Live!, Nichijou, Clannad et al. Popular series has shows making significant contributions to the entire anime industry.
          Jojo's Bizarre Adventure on the other hand pulls most of the heavy weight packaging from teenage angst with each season. They then lay basic fight scenes and a joke of a protagonist on it. It generally lags behind popular series by a mile or two in inventiveness. I never seen the show on TV or been mentioned by anyone over the age of 25.
          So tell me again, how exactly do Jojo's Bizarre Adventure innovate? It's team even struggle to release a new theme with each season, and character design is about the only original thing with this show.
          Yes, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is stable because they are standing on the shoulders of socially awkward teenagers. Most of the hard work is hashed out before it's creators ever start making "anime". This is fine, and what anime is all about, but I prefer to be in with the leaders rather than the followers.
          What really irks me and what has really brewed my hatred are Jojo's Bizarre Adventure fans. They seem to think Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is responsible for all that is good in the anime world. I have just proven how false this is. In my experience, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure fans (virgins, teenagers, and manchildren) are much less helpful than the alternative.
          If you want nice fight scenes, watch Dragon Ball Z or One Punch Man. If you like music, K-ON. If you prefer, Clannad or Anohana. But please, don't feed the idiot magnet that is Jojo's Bizarre Adventure!

          Project moon has ruined me

            Project Moon is the developer for the gacha game Limbus Company and various other games.

            Project moon has ruined me. Everywhere I go, I hear coin tosses and dice rolls. It can't be stopped. I often snap my fingers to calm myself, I go shopping and I find a piano named Roland. I pass through a library and immediately think about Ruina. I can’t go to an office without thinking about full-stop office, I finally get to work and they installed Kali linux on every single computer and I can't stop myself saying "HAHA MANAGER ESQUIRE, THIS IS THIS !" I look for clothes to have a new (todays) look, but hold on- is this made of nuovo fabric- oh no... I can’t greet people nowadays. Hello? Goodbye. I go to Mcdonalds (local HamHamPangPang) to wellcheer myself up, but while browsing through my phone watching Fullmetal Alchemist, they show the tree of life! And I can’t even play Persona without going into mementos and thinking oh this areas are based off the qliphoth tree. The entire Final Fantasy franchise is ruined for me, Sephiroth? One winged Angela?? Yesterday I was playing “im on observation duty”, and you have to watch out for Anomalies. Don’t they mean Abnormalities??? I can’t learn(2) any language because when it comes to numbers, there will always be a point where I will be reminded of an association or a sinner, I can’t enjoy nature without thinking about Dongbaek’s EGO, these flowers(hana) sure are nice, but wait is that a Hornet? Animals are banned, especially the ones that start with R. I can’t play other gachas besides limbus, I went to play Honkai and I saw there was a Kafka banner, so I logged off and went to Arknights, waiting as my assistant was.. you guessed it, Kafka, so I made the daring decision to go to the base and OH MY AYIN THEY HAVE A CONTROL DEPARTMENT, so I quickly went to change my agents, I mean operators and there he was, Mr Nothing. The phrase Nothing there triggers me like a lobotomized Agent so I shut down my phone. I went to play Devil May Cry, but couldn’t get past the introduction. I can’t see legs without thinking of blue star. I can’t write without thinking wow I’m making a key page! I can’t read to-do lists, but I also can’t read in general. I can’t think about myself because that would make me an egoist. I also can’t watch blue lock now that I think about it.. Colors are banned, but also black and white because that would be similar to T corp. so I have to just close both eyes (Angela reference?), and embrace the fear, and break the cycle. I can’t watch Ishmael porn anymore because if something is CENSORED I have a panic attack, cardiac arrest? More like Fervent Beats. I must E-endure… MY OWN BRAIN PRODUCES ENKEPHALIN ghghgh gigigig I only wanted peace, but after listening to the voices this City better Brace Up, for today a star shall rise