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🤓please stop with DALL-E mini

    DALL-E mini copypasta
    You want me to stop?
    We have the first shitposting engine in known history and you want me stop?
    What you are witnessing right now is a miracle. Billions of picture+text pairs scrapped just so anybody can render Osama bin laden as a funko pop with 99% accuracy.
    You want me to stop? When our technology is so cutting edge, is so advanced I will be able to upload your avatar and turn you into sojyak while I am a chad in months?
    Random internet stranger, do you understand? For the first time in history of Universe, we are able to generate shitposts flawlessly.
    You want me to stop? So, what are you going to do next? Open Paint and generate from your mind with size of a peanut, stranger? While I just type chad staring at you into prompter? Internet stranger destroyed by facts and logic by Chad, 4K quality, press photo?
    We are witnessing history and we are going to abuse the living fuck of it.
    Now go back in line to shrine and pray to our new AI overlords.