OMG like, heyaa💋 Sooo um 😅This is super random and funny and stuff but, like… You’re AUTISTIC right😏? Wait wait nooo🤣! Don’t like, have a little freak out or whatever! Goshh you got all red! LOL you’re so like, awkward😅cmoon you can tell meee! We’re besties now! You’ll make me happy! 😘Totes an Aspie rite? Mmm? Cant hear you cutie💖little louder, cmon! Speak up🤭! USE YOUR WORDS RETARD~UGH. YEAH😍!? YAS!😜 Knew it omg! You were totes acting weird, making stupid noises, playing with your hands….Oh and don’t think I didn’t notice the only time you looked up at me was to stare at my big butt lol! 🙄SOOO Not subtle! It’s ok tho umm… 😳I think autistic NEETS like you are pretty hot… Soooo are you like, one of those porn addicts who got brain damage from gooning to hard , ooor… are you a natural Aspie? Like, born with it and stuff😩? 🥵Natural? Oh fuck yeah O.M.G…..! Like, Awesome! Hey umm… you wanna hang out? I got some cool friends you’ll love! They know all about people like you🧩!