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You are genuinely a piece of shit, and I’m embarrassed to be associated with you by any amount of shared beliefs.

    You are genuinely a piece of shit, and I'm embarrassed to be associated with you by any amount of shared beliefs.
    Like it or not, what you are doing is shooting your cause in the foot. You don't get to slam your fingers in your ears and ignore criticism for the methods you choose to share your beliefs. Basic psychology for you, being intentionally aggressive to others will never get them to listen to you or take your points seriously. It is a well known that the human brain reacts to existential/philosophical "threats" similar to the way it does a real, physical threat. So, either you are barging into this with incredible amounts of ignorance, having not put any effort into genuinely learning how to effectively and faithfully represent your beliefs, or you don't actually care about your cause at all and just found it to be a good point to start picking fights on the internet about. Either way, it's deeply pathetic.