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WoW gamer brown office chair

    i knew a guy like this. this is gonna sound fake but i swear on my life it's real. as a teenager, he would play world of warcraft for days at a time with minimal breaks except the required stuff (food, water, bathroom). well, even the bathroom sometimes got nixed so he could keep playing wow. instead of getting up to shit, he would literally shit himself so that he could finish whatever dungeon or quest he was on and then go clean up later. he did this for years but eventually grew out of it when he was bullied for it in high school, so bullies 1 gamer shitters 0, i guess.
    so anyway, he would wipe this chair down as best he could, but it was a cloth office chair and it legitimately looked like these seats in the OP. just a brown asscrack shaped silhouette. you can be wearing pants, but the shit moisture is gonna seep right through. it's important to remember the diet of these people has them in a perpetual state of diarrhea or at best, soft-serve. there aren't solid, healthy turds coming out. there is a half gallon of mud in those trousers. that will seep through even the most tightly woven fabrics. these pant shitters should really consider investing in leather pants, or perhaps just fully commit to diapers?