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Why semen retention is important

    Your semen is your life force energy, when you release it without a purpose, you are throwing away a bit of your personality, masculinity, Charm, Physical strength. Can you guess what happens when you do this on a daily basis? Yep, you're right, you become weak, feminine, docile, socially awkward, feeble the list goes on....... Men today are conditioned to believe that ejaculation is healthy, when In reality, regular ejaculation makes you easier to control. Look across the world right now, what's happening? The rise of tyrannical governments, men who are sheep sitting back and doing absolutely fuck all about it. In fact, encouraging it. This would not be happening if men grew a fucking pair of balls and stopped touching themselves. You see, when you masturbate regularly to porn, you are training your brain to be a spectator. Your brain believes it has no place in this world, no drive, no purpose. Your brain wants to watch others lead. You have no masculine drive. With no masculine drive, you are easily led. When you practice Semen Retention, you return to your natural state as a man. A leader, a fighter, a man who can't be manipulated, a man who can think for himself, a man on his purpose. This is what governments fear. A man who retains his semen is a man the elites can't control. Now can you see why there is no "science" on semen retention, they don't want you discovering it.