I love science, me. Without it we'd never have been able to comprehend what at one point were life's great mysteries. From Newton's theory of gravity to the splitting of the atom, throughout history scientists have pushed the boundaries of human consciousness and experience, enabling us to learn more about this thing we call existence. For whatever questions we have - great or small - it is there to provide an answer.
And those questions just keep coming. Recently a man posted to Reddit: "I don't know if all guys do it, and I don't do it in public or around people. But if I'm alone and scratch my balls, I definitely do it.
"Also when I get done working out and jump in the shower I also my sniff my sweaty briefs where my balls rested, then I'll scratch my nuts and smell my fingers. The answer as to why I do this is actually pretty simple: I like the smell of my balls."
And - as always - science once again came forward, puffed its chest out and offered a reply.
Biopsychologist Nigel Barber, who specialises in sexual and reproductive behaviour, told MEL Magazine men do it - and wait for this because it's actually fucking brilliant - #to feel alive'.
"I doubt that sensing our own odors or pheromones is related to hygiene," he said. "Perhaps it's an example of self-referential behavior analogous to looking at oneself in a mirror. In each case, the perception of self may elevate mood and boost self-esteem.
"Presumably, people who preen before a mirror feel better as a result and perception of body odors may be similar. Interestingly, though, dogs  -  that aren't self-aware  -  have little interest in their own scent."
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undefined undefined Apparently our instinctive attraction to our own stench is an example of egoism, a philosophical theory that puts the self above all else. And ironically it's one of the things that separates us from the animals.
So there we have it, sniffing your sweaty bollocks reassures us that we're special little snowflakes, individual and unique, and totally not cogs in the cold, unforgiving machinery of life.