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We should sex Blade more.

    Seriously, I have never wanted to make a man pregnant more before Blade. I mean, look at those boobs. He probably provides enough breast milk to feed a house of babies! You're telling me he binds his chest with bandages too??? You're saying it couldve been bigger????? And hear me out, right. He's like, mostly emotionless when he's not trying to find Daniel or JingYuan to ride. He's the perfect candidate for emotionless sex if you're into that. Or bdsm. I have him on chinese dub, he fucking moans when he gets hit. And that racussy???? Bro really wants correction. I'd say he's begging for it at this point.
    Sincerely, we should sex Blade more. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
    (I am losing my mind. With every second that passes without blade being sexed, i lose a good amount of my sanity. This isn't even a copypasta, I just typed that all out. Please send help.)