Vaporeon-Meursault copypasta is based on the original Vaporeon Is Literally Build For Human copypasta that started in 4chan.
Hey guys, did you know that in terms of male and female sex, Meursault is the best sinner ?
Not only is he French, which is mostly comprised of hot men, Meursault is 6"00' tall and 70.9 pounds of muscles, this means he is strong enough to be able to dick you down best, and with his impressive Base Stats for HP and access to Pursuance, you can be rough with him.
Due to his young biology, there's no doubt in my mind that an aroused Meursault would be incredibly erect, so erect that you could easily have sex with him for hours without him getting soft.
With his abilitie to revive, he can easily recover from fatigue with Dante being there. But no other sinner comes close to this level of compatibility.
Also, fun fact, if you fuck him enough, you can make Meursault moan. Meursault is literally built to fuck you. Ungodly defense stat+high HP pool+revival means he can give cock all day, all positions, without condoms or protection from god, and still come for more