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US Civil War

    The United 👏👏 States 👌 of 🔥 America ⚓⚓ has 👏👏 been DIVIDED by 😀👏 CUMMIES . The 👏🚟 North ☝☝ and ✝🏿 South 👇👇 are 🔢😎 ready 😖😬 to FUCK 🖕👦 each 👏👏 other 🎩 for 👅🍆 the FUCKING 👿 OF 😳🌹 THE 🎁 CENTURY. General ♂ Michael 🆘 Cor-KARE is ⁉ in ↙👇 charge of 💦🎭 the Northern 🎅🎅 troops but he’s ready for 💰 some CAUCASIAN COCK . General 👮 Lee’s got a 👌 bevy of 👏 big black ◼👱 dongs ready 😬🤤 to 💦😵 penetrate the Confederate walls. 🏨 But 🍑🍑 both ➡👬 sides have sent ✉✉ their best 🏼 dick slingers to 😯🅱 give 🛍🅱 as 😎 well as 🅱 they 🏁 get, 🔟👨 including Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. 😋 This 👈 war 💯 of SEXUAL 💙 INNUENDO could 👌 go 👐♂ on 💡🔛 for 🎅 years, 📅⏰ but it 🙂📣 all 🥂 starts 🕹🕹 TODAY 📅📆 with 👏 the 👨👅 start 💯 of 💦 ️THE 🅿🌊 BATTLE OF 🔝😂 GETTYSBURG , where you know that ⚠💦 there WILL 🔥 BE 😱⚰ BLOODSHED !