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TIFU by going a little too hard during sex

    Ok so some info before we get started
    (M)e: Penis size- 6.9 inches (sex number (nice)) Looks- 9 Wit and Charm: 10 IQ: 140
    G(F) Age- 18 Looks- 10 (Fat ass too) Wit and Charm: 3 IQ: 135 (thankfully lower and within 5 of mine)
    So one day I woke up with a throbbing erection and I grabbed my hot GF and told her I wanted to have sex very sexily with her. She said ohhh baby I want to have lots of sexy sex with you because I am in a sexy mood, but I have a bit of a headache. I said I don’t care and shoved my sexy sword right into her sex sheathe and there was lots of sweaty sex and stuff and she had a baby too.
    Once we finished sexy time I told her to go make me some food. She finished and made me some really good food and I told her it was time for round 2. I lasted about 15 minutes, but she was already sexily orgasming within 10 seconds, because I’m just so good at sex with crazy libido.
    TL;DR: Sex