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TIFU by drawing a buff furry in my friend’s copybook

    ok so firstly i am a furry artist. well yea it might sound disgusting but i literally cant draw anything else since any furry is like 100x better than whatever i draw so it looks like i must accept my fate and take it with pride.
    it was a geography class and i was watching some hentai anime with my catboy friend when the teacher announced the classwork we had to do. of course we didnt hear shit but we couldnt care less at the time
    a bit later we leaned over and asked the guy ahead about our task. he gave us his copybook since hes already done it (what a quick son of a bitch) so we checked it out and copied the work.
    this is when it dawned upon me to draw a buff furry on his worksheet. i mean, whats so wrong about it? ive already done it so many times with so many people so its like a habit for me. so i went ahead and made a hot furry fox with an aroused face and a massive cock in about a minute (practice makes perfect). my catboy saw me drawing him and giggled as he was purring for me.
    so well ive done my dirty business and we returned the copybook to the guy and carried on watching our hentai. yet what we didnt seem to notice is that the dude hadnt checked the work one more time. at the end of our lesson we gave in our copybooks to the teacher.
    and so uh it turns out that the guy hasnt erased the furry meaning hes still out there waiting for teacher to notice him… well i hope she wont mind that much