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There never was a futa cock to suck

    There will come a day where you will finally bag one of the holomems in your bed. You will be excited as your dreams of having sex with your oshi have finally come true. Without hesitation you will pull her pants and panties down only to discover there never was a cock and its only a pussy. You realize all those years of talking in her chat and all those superchats you sent were for nothing. You remember the blood and sweat you spilled to get the money for your supas. You realize that all of it was for naught and all those years of ignoring your family and their attempts to help you have mentally broken you. You feel hopeless as you realize you ruined your life for nothing but empty promises. There never was a futa cock to suck. You worked hard and had to stop doing the things you enjoyed just to have the money for supas. You had wasted your life away and are now but an empty husk of the man you once were.
    You wake up at 3:45am in cold sweat only to find yourself tied to the bed. Turns out your oshi has been railing you for the past 16hrs and with the overflow of cum and multiple orgasms you've had you passed out and had a fever dream. All is now right in the world.