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The Milk Route

    Today I had a weird dream where there was a fourth Undertale route called The Milk Route. The requirements to trigger this route were similar to the pacifist route, which is to spare everyone, then go to Grillby's bar and approach him, who will serve us a glass of milk instead of alcohol as Frisk is too young to drink. Frisk will then drink milk and ask for more until Grillby gets out of stock. After that, our character gets drunk on milk. The sprite will change, showing Frisk with a drunken smile. As we leave the bar, Sans asks us what happened to us, we become milk addicts and our mission will be to search milk in the Underground instead of confronting Asgore. In one scene, Toriel and Papyrus blames Sans for the irresponsibility of getting a child drunk, which Sans will deny. We'll also see scenes where Flowey goes berserk over the player's quest for milk in the Underground, instead of doing everything according to his plans. A cutscene also shows Frisk being swept away by a river as we falls into it, taking us completely away from the main goal. The final boss is then Flowey in his normal form, who has gone lunatic after we've found ourselves in a remote location. Our only healing items were milk, and we were unable to act. The fight ended with Frisk eating Flowey, and the game ended with Frisk falling to the ground. A black background with text asking us how we could have messed up our gameplay so badly. Another alternate ending showed Frisk and Asriel in his god form both getting drunk and singing together.