There is no conceivable way that the results of the Josh fight were not rigged. The sheer prospect of a little kid winning even 1 fight in single combat is laughable, I counted at least 253 grown men also fighting for such title in just one video, and you mean to tell me, that NONE of them managed to best a child? As a Josh myself I cannot fathom the embarrassment that these weaklings will have to carry every single day for the rest of their miserable lives, I share a smaller amount of this burden because I was just too far away from Nebraska to attend, but I would've won, and I know this because I have beaten children into an inch of their lives since I was at school, and now as a fully grown, 27 year old man, I would've been able to kick his ass blindfolded. It is more than abundantly clear that Little Josh bought his way up the rankings, it's such a shame that more and more sports are falling victim to corruption. They are all lucky I didn't make it.