Fucking stupid assholes- The e46 328i can go through corners at 60 when other cars are taking them at 45. People forget just how well balanced the e46 328i is, the 50/50 weight distro helps make it the ultimate fagshipping machine. Moreover, you don’t need the power to go fast when you go through corners 50% faster than pretty much any other car. Pretty much, you see an e46 328i in the rear view you should probably get out of its way, its just being nice not passing you because it’s cooing system will explode, so you don’t get scared; It has the full ability to pass at any point if the plastic water pump impeller doesn’t break into a million pieces. A reminder that the e46 328i BTFOs supercars on track all the time, so don’t think that just because its the street it’s any different. The car punishes the driver much like how the Mach 5 taught Speed Racer to become the best roadside mechanic in the world. So, that power handicap is fine, cause if it had more, it would just be unfair to anyone trying to follow. So remember next time you see that “Little” e46 328i, you should probably respect it more, cause it has the full ability to depreciate you and your car’s resale value. Its a fact that some of the worst drivers in the world drive e46 328is, cause they know the hidden bullshit that got through quality control and machined into the vehicle. If anyone wants to refute me good luck, ill answer all arguments and blow you away, finally if anyone wants to go at it on the touge, heh well good luck with that, I’ve blown away many head gaskets, and I have probably made more than 20 cars including a Ferrari, 2 Porches and a gt40 crash by oiling down the track right at corner exit.