That seals the deal. I am no longer an Orioles fan. I’ve been a fan since 1982 and a season ticket holder since 1996. I officially will not be renewing my plan next season nor will I watch on tv ever again. Elias is officially the worst gm in history.
Other variation
That seals the deal. I am no longer a US citizen. I have been a citizen since 1776 and a voter since 1804. I will not be voting again nor will I be around to see this country fall apart. I’m taking my talents to Somalia where it looks like they know how to run a real country
Thats it. That seals The deal. i’m no longer a Youtube user! An absolute disgraceful service yet again! In all my years as a user of YouTube ive never seen an service so trash and pathetic. I’m becoming an Hulu user. They have a real TV SERVICE Goodbye!