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Tell me what’s the joke, Paladin?

    Tell me what’s the joke, Paladin? you all know that I’m a tank, and I hit a certain mob, but you specifically start hitting another one. to take it off me.
    Glad you could make it, Unotanko.
    Watch your jokes with me, boy. You may generate more threat, but I'm still superior as the designated tank.
    As if I could forget. Listen, tank, there's something about the difficulty of SFK you should know. Oh no. It's too late. These instances have all been nerfed. They may look challenging now, but it's a matter of time before we smash through them without giving a shit about aggro.
    This entire dungeon must be chain pulled.
    How can you even consider that? There's got to be some other way!
    Damn it, Unotanko. As the highest dps, I order you to tag along behind me and try to generate enough rage for a single sunder armor.
    You are not the main tank yet, boy. Nor would I obey that command if you were.
    Then I must consider this an act of treason.
    Treason? Have you lost your mind, Wardrict?
    Have I? Unotanko, by my right of dps and sovereignty of my mail armor I hereby relieve you from tanking and suspend your rage bar from service.
    Paladin, you can't just...
    It's done! Those of you who have the will to beat Arugal, follow me. The rest of you... get out of my instance.