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Imagine being so insecure about not being funny that you not only steal a viewer’s joke but also ban them.

    Imagine being so insecure about not being funny that you not only steal a viewer's joke but also ban them. And for the people who will say it was just a joke or it was in fun, that's sad. It really is not funny, you just like zyox enough to agree with whatever he says. Which is also sad.
    I liked zyox but this really has made me like him less. And of course it was enabled by zajef. This basically was bullying and it gave me such an ick. Like sure it's his stream and he can do what he wants but yuck. Kinda deserves all the fun people make of him. used to feel bad for him when people would make fun of his hair but not anymore, completely deserves it. 
    Imagine being so TA about not being TA that you not only steal a viewer's TA but also ban TA. And for the people who will say it was just a TA or it was in TA, that's sad. It really is not TA, you just like TA enough to agree with whatever he says. Which is also TA.
    I liked TA but this really has made me like TA less. And of course it was enabled by TA. This basically was TA and it gave me such an TA. Like sure it's his TA and he can do what he wants but TA. Kinda deserves all the TA people make of TA. Used to feel bad for TA when TA would make fun of his TA but not anymore, completely deserves TA. 

    Full lore from YT comment

    Imagine being so insecure about not being funny that you not only steal a viewer's joke but also ban them. And for the people who will say it was just a joke or it was in fun, that's sad. It really is not funny, you just like zyox enough to agree with whatever he says. Which is also sad.
    I liked zyox but this really has made me like him less. And of course it was enabled by zajef. This basically was bullying and it gave me such an ick. Like sure it's his stream and he can do what he wants but yuck. Kinda deserves all the fun people make of him. I used to feel bad for him when people would make fun of his hair but not anymore, completely deserves it.
    Edit: keep it up you guys. I'm sure zyox would love for his community to be known as the one where 90% of the people can't deal with social interaction in a normal way without spamming a bunch of nonsense. So proud of you.
    As for the 1-2 people who genuinely tried to discuss it like adults, I'm grateful that there are at least a handful of y'all.
    Never planning on interacting with this community again. Don't know what i was thinking.
    Edit 2: From the sensible people in the comments i have learned that the banned people get unbanned basically immediately after. That is something i did not know. So thank you to those people for explaining it.
    I will still keep my comments up as a showcase that i was at fault for jumping to conclusions AND That this community has too many people who's first instinct is to just spam bs instead of engaging in meaningful discussion. Could have avoided all this if only the channel owner had been a normal person explaining how it worked.
    Because as a non-twitch viewer there was no way for me to know about this. Of course i would be concerned seeing something like this. I would say it would be weird to not feel concerned about it if you didn't know.
    Anyways i will stop replying and i really hope that the people who thought that just trying to clown on me was the appropriate way to handle this, learn from the nicer commenters who explained things in a mature manner.

    Zyox copypasta collection

      I can’t take it anymore. i’m sick of zy0x

      i can't take it anymore. i'm sick of zy0x. i try to watch other genshin streamers, zy0x is more entertaining. i try to go outside and enjoy my hobbies, but i yearn to watch him skill issue in the abyss. i try to watch other content, but i miss using the AGOUBA emote. i write "haha so tall and handsome today mr socks" in a dono message. i sub with twitch prime. he isn't satisfied. he grabs me by the throat. "I'M NOT BALDING MY HAIR IS JUST THIN." he says. he plus twenties a vermillion circlet. it rolls 1554 flat HP. "guess this is the end." he grabs xiao and laments everywhere. there is no hint of sanity in his eyes. nothing but pure, no ICD stalling. what a cruel world. 

      I can’t get Zyox out of my mind

      I can't get Zyox out of my mind. Yesterday I was sitting in class and I told the teacher why I was late for class and she said "ICD!', I think she meant to say "I see!". After I came back to class and I sat down, I looked in the book, it was a math class, and I saw the number 5/6, I tried to ignore it, but when I came home and loaded Genshin, I swapped to my commissions team which was Wanderer, Yelan, Kazuha, Zhongli, when I went to my first commission, "A Small Step for Hilichurls", as soon as I they got in my render distance, I saw some pyro 28 numbers on them and they instantly died, I was so confused, I googled it and I found nothing so I just left it there, thankfully none of my next commissions were combat ones and I was condensing resin for the Vermillion domain. The next day while I was going to school I heard someone say "I love men." on the phone, I shat my pants, I thought Zyox was after me, since I had shat my pants, I had to go home. When I got home I saw my mom working and she said "He's in business guys!" i nearly got a panic attack right then and there, I ran into the bathroom and held my hands to my ears, but I started to see ABOBA everywhere, he would slowly apparate in front of me while I whimpered in the corner, smelling the boiling blood of my parents, I was so scared, I heard every thundering footstep as Zyox wandered around with his 50 CV Sands, I tried to peak outside when suddenly ABOBA saw me, instantly Zyox said "OMG I'M, BLOOMING" and as I say my final words, all I can feel is the pure, no ICD, HUH application. goodbye, cruel world. 

      Welcome to my incomplete zy0nix guide

      Hey guys welcome to my incomplete zy0nix guide. First of all zy0x is the only character who doesn't wield a vision, but he does wield the delusion that Xiao is tall which is very strong. I believe zy0x is best used as a 2 in 1 Genshin Impact content creator whose primary goal is to give you useful character guides off stream while also endless entertainment on stream. zy0x is a character who's calm, collected, humble, handsome, tall, charismatic, but what makes him broken, at least from my 720 hours of testing, is the fact that he's a person. therefore, the real situations where you would want to be watching zy0x over other amazing streamers, is effectively going to be when the other streamers are not streaming. I hope this guide was helpful. feel free to let me know your thoughts on zy0x and i will catch deez nuts on the next one. 

      One of the content creators of all time

      Zy0x is definitely one of the content creators of all time. His guides are one of the ones I've seen. These clips are the part of my year. Without his videos, my day feels like a day. He's the most person I've ever met. His Xiao artifacts are one of the character builds I've ever seen. Undoubtedly one of the streamers in 2024. 

      Who is Zy0x?

      Who is zy0x? in math: my solution, in history: my King, in art: my canvas, in science: my oxygen, in geography: my world. 
      For blind, he is the brightness, for depressed - he's hope. Hail our copium lord Zy0x and his Husband Xiao for only he farms Vermillion for 2 years and still doesn't have the best Xiao in the world. For only he can bring light to those in dark, and like he himself mentioned, put more into his mouth than just words. All Hail our copium lord and his husband Xiao.

      Oh Zy0nix, my glorious balding king

      Oh Zy0nix, my glorious balding king, you..... you are my specialz, throughout Vermillion and Echoes you alone are the Anemo Gobletless one. Stand proud Zeeox, you are strong..... because at the end of the day. You.....are. wipes tears YOU ARE MY SPECIALZ 😭😭😭 

      I have a confession I just typed this because of zy0x

      I have a confession I just typed this because of zy0x. Like everyone talking about him and Xiao, when I go to YouTube I find dozen of clips for him for hsr and genshin and watched some of it , watched some videos on his channel and he was pretty composed and half of the comments were about how calm he is on stream . More videos and it's the same fucking comments like I downloaded twitch to follow him and I didn't find the hype . Surely you would stumble to his video wearing a maid dress or him moaning like a bitch or saying the weirdest shit imaginable and most his fans are so annoying to the point they lead me to stop. I'm not watching anymore 

      Xiao is the best character in Genshin Impact

      Xiao is the best character in Genshin Impact and anyone who disagrees is a brainless simp. He has the coolest design, the most badass voice, the strongest skills and the deepest lore. He is not a generic edgy boy, he is a complex and tragic hero who sacrificed his happiness for the sake of Liyue. He deserves all the love and respect in the world and I will fight anyone who dares to insult him. Zy0x is my idol and I agree with everything he says about Xiao. He is the true Xiao fan and he knows more than anyone else. He is not toxic or arrogant, he is just passionate and honest. He has enlightened me with his wisdom and I will follow him to the end of time. Xiao and Zy0x are my life and I will never stop supporting them.

      Oh my god Zyox

      Oh my god Zyox. Not only did I know that you were already tall, humble, charismatic, funny, entertaining, and just... good overall, that you deserve this piece, but now, I really can see... you getting rewarded for once, when every other time you've been unlucky 

      Zyox Rap

      rubber cement camping tent periodic event vice president economic rent live laugh lament 

      Zeeee0x shrine

      Everytime I think my life has gone to ruin, everytime I remember I'm unemployed, everytime I remember I haven't seen sunlight or showered in 10 years, I can just look at my Zeeee0x shrine. Everyday I offer something to his majestys wonderful shrine, everyday I look at it enchantingly, and everyday I wished Zy0x was real so that he could bring salvation to us pathetic, little lamenters. Aboba, lament, om. 

      Zy0x is definitely one of the content creators of all time

        Zy0x is definitely one of the content creators of all time. His guides are one of the ones I've seen. These clips are the part of my year. Without his videos, my day feels like a day. He's the most person I've ever met. His Xiao artifacts are one of the character builds I've ever seen. Undoubtedly one of the streamers in 2022 
        I have a confession I just typed this because of zy0x
        Like everyone talking about him and Xiao, when I go to YouTube I find dozen of clips for him for hsr and genshin and watched some of it , watched some videos on his channel and he was pretty composed and half of the comments were about how calm he is on stream . More videos and it's the same fucking comments like I downloaded twitch to follow him and I didn't find the hype . Surely you would stumble to his video wearing a maid dress or him moaning like a bitch or saying the weirdest shit imaginable and most his fans are so annoying to the point they lead me to stop. I'm not watching anymore

        I HATE Gepard.

          I HATE Gepard. He is so useless, I don't understand why anyone would like him by choice. All he is is an attractive, sweet, caring, sexy, sweaty muscular hot jock-type that reminds me all too much of the feelings I used to get from watching the football team in high school. How could anyone appreciate him when all he does is bring a big shield? I was able to clear Simulated Universe World 1 with NO shielder, and people tell me that I need a defensive unit? Yes I died to World 1 over 20 times, but I wasn't trying to be fair. Why would I need a shielder if my team of Sampo/Hook/Dan Heng/Tingyun is clearly one of the BEST teams in the game? I don't have skill issue and I don't like hot men. I especially don't like hot sexy men like Gepard, who want to do nothing but protect me. I don't need protection and I certainly DONT need a hot sexy man like Gepard on my roster. What do people even see in him? A kind, compassionate, and caring individual who looks after his family and city? How could anyone actually be ok with getting Gepard off of their Departure Warp? It's simply logical that NOONE should appreciate Gepard. It's such a ludicrous idea that anyone would want Gepard's muscular arms wrapped around them while they cuddle in bed at night after a wonderful night out in Belegog. What a silly concept 

          Dearest Arlecchino, I am writing you this letter to introduce myself. My name is Zy0x


            The copypasta started from Zy0x (Genshin streamer) tweet about Arlecchino after her official artwork has been posted by Hoyoverse. Arlecchino is a popular upcoming Genshin Impact character that has gained a lot of fans due to her androgynous appearance.

            Dearest Arlecchino, I am writing you this letter to introduce myself. My name is Zy0x, but you can call me Nick. I would love to get to know you better. I am good friends with both Lyney and Lynette (Freminet doesn't talk much) and have heard wonderful things about you. If you would ever happen to have even an ounce of free time, it would be my pleasure -- nay, my honour to accompany you during that period. I have been known as a hero, of sorts (or a villain, if that sounds better to you) and have been known for my benevolent acts of kindness,generosity, and grace. If possible, being blessed by your presence over the course of the weekend or whenever you happen to be available, would allow us to connect and better learn about each other. We could go to the Fontainiane beaches (I speak french), and swim with the seals.I have always loved pyro, both the element and the characters, and you are my fire (the one desire (believe when i say i want it that way)). I will give you all of my Diluc's artifacts if you so desire. I would be honoured and am eagerly awaiting your response. See you soon! 
            Dearest Arlecchino, I am writing you this letter to introduce myself. My name is Zy0x, but you can call me Nick. I would love to get to know you better. I am good friends with both Lyney and Lynette (Freminet doesn't talk much) and have heard wonderful things about you. If you would ever happen to have even an ounce of free time, it would be my pleasure -- nay, my honour to accompany you during that period.
            I have been known as a hero, of sorts (or a villain, if that sounds better to you) and have been known for my benevolent acts of kindness, generosity, and grace. If possible, being blessed by your presence over the course of the weekend or whenever you happen to be available, would allow us to connect and better learn about each other. We could go to the Fontainiane beaches (I speak french), and swim with the seals.
            I have always loved pyro, both the element and the characters, and you are my fire (the one desire (believe when i say i want it that way)). I will give you all of my Diluc's artifacts if you so desire. I would be honoured and am eagerly awaiting your response. See you soon!