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you are actually making subtle misogynistic

No, it’s not gay to draw girls with dicks

    totally not gay 😠
    No, it's not gay to draw girls with dicks. In fact, it is the only proper way to draw girls. Let me explain. In medieval heraldic tradition, to draw an animal without a penis, or "pizzle" as they called them, was considered a great offense. A large, erect penis symbolized strength and valor. The larger the penis, the more honorable the animal. In fact, in 1579, when a depiction of the coat of arms of Appenzell was printed in Saint Gallen with the bear on the arms missing the pizzle, Appenzell almost declared war. In more recent times, when the Swedish Nordic Battlegroup removed the pizzle from their lion to not offend people, the herald who designed the original coat of arms was greatly insulted. He said that the army didn't understand heraldry, and that coats of arms with lions without penises were historically given to people who betrayed the Swedish Crown. This is why I draw girls with dicks. It's not a fetish, it's because I respect women and don't want to depict them as traitors or cowards. When you think about it, if you ever draw a girl without a large, erect penis, you are actually making subtle misogynistic implications.