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world war 2 copypasta



    ChatGPT describes WWII (in cute tone)

      Oh noes, WWII was a vewy scawy and sad time in histowy, uwu! 😿 It began in 1939 when Nazi Gewmany, wed by Adowf Hitwew, invaded Powand, eep! 😨 This caused Bwitain and Fwance to decwawe war against Gewmany, stawting the gwobal confwict, squeak! 🌍
      As the war pwogwessed, the Axis Powews (Gewmany, Itawy, and Japan) fought against the Allied Powews (Bwitain, Soviet Union, and the United States), nyah! 🌟 The Axis Powews twied to expand theiw contwol by invading and occupying countwies, oh my! 😱
      The Howocaust was a pawt of WWII, and it was a vewy howwific event, uwu. 😢 Miwwions of innocent people, incwuding Jews, Woma, LGBTQ+ individuals, and disabled peopwe, suffewed and died in concentration camps and ghettos, sob! 😭
      On the Pacific fwont, Japan attacked Peawl Hahbow in 1941, which pwompted the United States to join the war, woosh! 💢 They began fighting against Japan, and both sides suffewed heavy losses, eek! 😣
      In 1944, the Allies launched a massive invasion on the beaches of Normandy, known as D-Day, pew pew! 💥 This was a turning point in the war, as the Allies were able to slowly retake Euwope from the Axis Powews, yay! 🎉
      The war ended in Euwope in 1945 when Hitwew committed suicide and Gewmany surrendered, phew! 😌 The United States dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiwoshima and Nagasaki, causing Japan to surrender, and bwinging an end to WWII, oh meow! 😿
      WWII was a twagic and devastating time in histowy, with millions of lives wost and countwess people suffewing, uwu. 😢 We must always wemember these events and wowk towawds a peaceful futuwe, nyaa! 🕊️ sends loving hugs 🤗

      The ending of WWII was AWFUL

        So am I the only one upset about how WWII ended? I mean they built Hitler up to be the big bad and just when he is about to face justice, he goes and kills himself. WTF was the point of him if FDR and Churchill were not going to fight him in an epic duel to save the world? And don't get me started on FDR! They just kill him half way through the war. Truman totally did not deserve to win the war, his character arc was not about war winning. And it certainly wasn't about destroying two cities with bullshit deus ex super weapons that came out of no where.
        And another thing that pissed me off is that in the last episode of the war we find out that Stalin was a bad guy the entire time! Where was this foreshadowed to us? WTF, absolute character assassination. He was all about freeing the oppressed and bringing about a new system that wasn't shackling the poor and they made him a dictator? That is bullshit!
        Anyways, WWII was cool but its end was absolutely trash and I would like you guys to sign a petition to have it rewritten.