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Where the good and evil meets

Welcome to Gacha Life there’s so much to see

    Gacha Life is role-playing game that allows users to create and customise anime-styled characters
    “Welcome to gacha life 👍”
    “There’s so much to see👀👁”
    “iF pEoPlE cAn mAkE ✨cHaRaCtErS✨ then so can we 😀👍🔫”
    “We have ✨🐶pUpPiEs🐶✨ ✨🦐sHrImPs🦐✨ beware of the 🔪😡HEEEAATS 🤡🔫”
    “That’s the part where the good and evil meets😳”
    "Welcome to Gacha Life, there's so much to see" 
    "If people can make characters then so can we"
    "We have puppies, shrimps, beware of the heats"
    "That's the part where the good and evil meets!"
    “Welcome to Gacha Life, there’s so much to see" 
    "If people can make characters then so can we"
    "We have puppies, shrimps beware of the heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeat"
    "That's the part when good and evil meeeeeets!”😌