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traps are not gay copypasta

Nutting to drawings shouldn’t be considered gay

    Based? I think?
    If nutting to drawings isn't considered sex, then nutting to drawings shouldn't be considered gay. It is quite natural for a Male to be attracted to that which has feminine features, and traps have most of those features. It's not our fault they have a dicks. People that like traps are actually more straight because they can find girls attractive even with negative features (dicks). Because we are willing to be attracted to more feminine beings than normal people are, we are less gay. Traps are not mere men, but girls with dicks and small tits. We are not gay, we are just more accepting than most people. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.

    2.19% gay

      are traps gay?
      Actually mom, they're called traps, and they're far superior than just regular "girls". In fact, girls don't even do anything for me anymore. The concept of overpowering a failed male with your superior masculinity is far more appealing than just the same old T and A. Sorry mom. I don't expect you to understand, but I googled it and I found that it's only 2.19% gay. So don't sign me up for any LGBT support groups. It's practically completely straight.