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my toddler doesn’t seem to care about being anti-r*cist

    Hey guys, I just came here to rant, (tw: rcism, trmpism, s*xism)
    So the other day I was speaking with my toddler, who just recently turned 3 years old. I had to sit down with him and talk to him about racism after I caught his racist ass watching Paw Patrol. (its a show that glorifies p*lice)
    When I asked him why he would watch such a horrendous show, he simply responded with “Ga ga goo”
    I was fuming. Was he mocking me? I certainly never anticipated that I would raise such a cold blooded rcist. I am starting to think that his response was fueled by sxism caused by his dad, who is a whte mle.
    I showed him a video of hypersexual gay antifa militants to try to normalize his behavior. About halfway through the video one of the antifa militants gets tackled by a plice after flashing his genitals to an old woman. My rcist son thought this was funny and went “ha ha”
    What should I do? I dont want him to grow up to be a Trmp supporter or a homophbic.