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Do you guys edge your weapons?

    I find edging archer very practical especially against monarchs and legions. Very fun even tho you can get caught with your pants down if you edge for too long. I personally have never been on recieving end of archer edging, I think mainly because I main ronin and most people don't like edging to ronin, but that's just a theory.
    I main dice roll so I naturally get smart pistol from time to time, and I often edge it just for fun. Looking at someone panic when they know that anytime now I can blow my load on them is really fun. Fighting smart pistol is already scary, but it becomes 10x scarier when someone edges it.
    Northstar I feel like is the most edged titan alongside legion. Having a load ready anytime is just fundamental and it's no suprise that a lot of people edge their plasma railguns and predator cannons.
    As for laser shot and siphon edging is really important and lets you shoot very accurately, but sometimes when you edge, but can't finish on someone you might have to help yourself with your other hand to not waste charge.
    As for edging devotion and charge rifle I feel like it's just a fun thing to do but no really practical. Never edged devotion before but I might try.
    Anything I missed?

    EM-4 Cold War

      Titanfall's EM-4 Cold War
      The EM-4 Cold War, or simply the Cold War, is a primary four-round burst bullpup grenade launcher manufactured by Vinson Dynamics, firing 4.73x33mm explosive ammunition. The weapon requires to be charged before firing, though unlike the Charge Rifle the player simply has to press the trigger to start charging followed by the gun firing instead of holding the trigger down to fire.
      A single burst can kill an enemy pilot if the shots are landed indirectly.
      It is, unfortunately, possible to self-harm with this weapon - you're not immune to its splash damage.

      Lock picking Lawyer on the Titanfall Frontier

        Lock picking Lawyer x Titanfall crossover
        This is the Lockpicking Lawyer and what I have for you today is an IMC brand Titan battery cover lock. This is a relatively new product on the frontier, but unfortunately for the Legion main I'm currently rodeoing it has several glaring flaws. The core itself is one of them, in order to pick it I am going to use this dataknife Bosnian Bill and I made. Little click on one, nothing on 2, click on 3, back to 1, 1 is set, little counterrotation on 2 and we've got it open. I would do that again to show you it wasn't a fluke, but there is actually a much faster way to open this lock than single pin picking. I am going insert a thin shim of metal I cut from a stim energy drink can and insert it alongside the shackle, just on the inside here. That will push aside the single locking lug and we've got it ope. One more time to show you it wasn't a fluke. As you can see this lock offers about as much protection as the avergae masterlock and should absolutely not be used to secure expensive military hardware. That's all I have for you today if you have any questions or comments please put them below. if you like this video and would like to see more like it please subscribe and as always have a nice day. Thank you.


          ‼️‼️HOLY FUCKING SHIT‼️‼️‼️‼️ IS THAT A MOTHERFUCKING TITANFALL REFERENCE??????!!!!!!!!!!11!1!1!1!1!1!1! 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 TITANFALL IS THE BEST FUCKING VIDEOGAME 🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯 BT-7274 IS SO BADASSSSS 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎👊👊👊👊👊 TONE BAD SPITFIRE BAD CAR BAD SCORCH HAHA FUNNY WARCRIMES HEY IS THAT ANOTHER TITANFALL 3 LEAK APEX BAD 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩 😩😩😩😩 GOT YOU IN THE PIPE FIVE BY FIVE YOU GOTTA MOVE FASTER THAN THAT SON SPEED IS LIFE THE SKIES BELONG TO ME 🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬🤬😡🤬🤬😡THEY'RE TRYING TO CORNER US!!!!! Trust me! 🗿 🗿 Trust me!🗿 🗿 Trust me! Trust me!🗿 Trust me! 🗿 Trust me!🗿 🗿 Trust me! 🗿 🗿Trust me! 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Trust me!Trust me!Trust me!Trust me!Trust me!Trust me!Trust me!🗿 Trust me! 🗿Trust me!Trust me!🗿 🗿 Trust me! 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Trust me! 🗿 Trust me! 🗿 Trust me!🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Trust me! 🗿 🗿Trust me!🗿 Trust me! 🗿 🗿 Trust me!🗿 🗿 Trust me! 🗿 Trust me!Trust me! 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Trust me!🗿 🗿 🗿 Trust me!🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Trust me!🗿 Trust me!Trust me!Trust me!Trust me!Trust me!🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Oh you’re flame coring me❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓But it was me, Cooper‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂