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Radical left speedrunning

    You're a beta male Sonic
    I was thinking about why so many in the radical left participate in "speedrunning" The reason is the left's lack of work ethic ('go fast' rather than 'do it right') and, in a Petersonian sense, to elevate alternative sexual archetypes in the marketplace ('fastest mario')
    Obviously, there are exceptions to this and some people more in the center or right also "speedrun". However, they more than sufficient to prove the rule, rather than contrast it. Consider how woke GDQ has been, almost since the very beginning. Your eyes will start to open.
    Returning to the topic of the work ethic... A "speedrunner" may well spend hours a day at their craft, but this is ultimately a meaningless exercise, since they will ultimately accomplish exactly that which is done in less collective time by a casual player.
    This is thus a waste of effort on the behalf of the "speedrunner". Put more simply, they are spending their work effort on something that someone else has already done (and done in a way deemed 'correct' by the creator of the artwork). Why do they do this?
    The answer is quite obvious if you think about it. The goal is the illusion of speed and the desire (SUBCONSCIOUS) to promote radical leftist, borderline Communist ideals of how easy work is. Everyone always says that "speedruns" look easy. That is part of the aesthetic.
    Think about the phrase "fully automated luxury Communism" in the context of "speedrunning" and I strongly suspect that things will start to 'click' in your mind.
    What happens to the individual in this? Individual accomplishment in "speedrunning" is simply waiting for another person to steal your techniques in order to defeat you. Where is something like "intellectual property" or "patent" in this necessarily communitarian process?
    ow, as to the sexual archetype model and 'speedrunning' generally... If you have any passing familiarity with Jordan Peterson's broader oeuvre and of Jungian psychology, you likely already know where I am going with this. However, I will say more for the uninitiated.
    Keep this passage from Maps of Meaning (91) in mind: "The Archetypal Son... continually reconstructs defined territory, as a consequence of the 'assimilation' of the unknown [as a consequence of 'incestuous' (that is, 'sexual' – read creative) union with the Great Mother]"
    In other words, there is a connection between 'sexuality' and creativity that we see throughout time (as Peterson points out with Tiamat and other examples). In the sexual marketplace, which archetypes are simultaneously deemed the most creative and valued the highest?
    The answer is obviously entrepreneurs like Elon Musk and others. Given that we evolved and each thing we do must have an evolutionary purpose (OR CAUSE), what archetype is the 'speedrunner' engaged in, who is accomplishing nothing new?
    They are aiming to make a new sexual archetype, based upon 'speed' rather than 'doing things right' and refuse ownership of what few innovations they can provide to their own scene, denying creativity within their very own sexual archetype. This is necessarily leftist.
    The obvious protest to this would be the 'glitchless 100% run', which in many ways does aim to play the game 'as intended' but seems to simply add the element of 'speed' to the equation.
    This objection is ultimately meaningless when one considers how long a game is intended to be played, in net, by the creators, even when under '100%' conditions. There is still time and effort wasted for no reason other than the ones I proposed above.
    By now, I am sure that I have bothered a number of you and rustled quite a few of your feathers. I am not saying that 'speedrunning' is bad, but rather that, thinking about the topic philosophically, there are dangerous elements within it. That is all.

    4:20 100% stage 4 cancer speedrun

      If you build momentum for 16 hours it takes longer but way less inputs
      Welcome back to another speedrunning guide! Today we’ll be speedrunning to stage 4 cancer.
      Okay so as soon as you wake up in the house you gotta go to the door and enter and exit the area exactly 69 times. What happens when you do this is that it teleports you to the Juul Den area. This a little known exploit, but when you purchase 3 or more juul pods it skips the intro cutscene.
      This is our first step to stage 4 cancer. Now, to optimize this, you have to consume all the juul pods before you hit the convenience store for cigarettes. Normally you can only to one at a time, but if you spam the Use command on your keyboard then the animation loops and you can consume all of them at once. This should increase your cancer risk by 10%.
      Now, you should be doing this while no clipping through the floor. Once you fall out of the world and respawn, you should appear in the convenience store. This is because you skipped the Welcome To School cutscene so this is the only valid respawn point. Press the pause button as soon as you respawn because there are a lot of complicated inputs here.
      You should have started the game with the Book item. Equip that to your primary weapon. Unpause and press up for 3 seconds, left for 3 seconds, look at the clerk and then spam the throw command. If you did this right, a volley of books should be launched at him and kill him. Without the store clerk there, you don’t need the Fake ID item to obtain cigarettes.
      Now typically you need the Lighter item to use a cigarette. This is where most speedrunners mess up. They go through the store and get the one in there. DONT DO THAT. There is actually a lighter on the clerk’s body that is much closer.
      Now to smoke all the cigarettes at once, you spam the use key like you did with the juul pods. This should increase your cancer rate to 40%.
      Last stop is the power plant. To get there from the convenience store you just do the same thing with the bedroom door, go in and out 69 times. This should bring you directly to the reactor room if you did it right. There are two tubes, one bringing in coolant and one bringing out nuclear waste. If you notice here, the waste tube is too far for you to reach.
      If you spam the Default Dance emote it will levitate you character off the ground just enough to grab the tube. You want to rip it out of the reactor and spam the use key to consume all the radioactive material in the tube. This should increase your cancer rate to 100%. The alarm should start ringing, and many runs end when the reactor workers break in and spot you, so you have to be really careful in this part.
      Again, spam the default dance emote until you levitate off the ground. You have to get onto the reactor by pressing jump at a frame perfect moment. Right… THERE! Ok so the reactor workers cutscene should NOT happen if you did it right. 
      Ok next what you have to do is fall off the reactor and break your leg. If you spam the Interact key it will skip all the 911 cutscenes until you are in a hospital bed. If you pull out your book again and spam the use key this time it will let you noclip through the wall behind you into the break room. The doctor has left his diagnosis on the counter near the door.
      Grab his pen and change “stage 3 cancer” to “stage 4 cancer”. As soon as you do this, all the cancer debuffs you had should upgrade to level 4. Go back through the wall and into the hospital bed and spam the interact key. The doctor should come back in and diagnose you with stage 4 cancer.
      If optimized correctly, this speedrun should take you 4:20.
      Anyway, if you liked the video, smash like and be sure to subscribe and click the notification bell. Thanks for watching!

      Shitting any% speedrun world record

        In order to save .8777560 seconds, i reverse jump out of my epic gaming chair while doing a frame-perfect vault in order to clip out of bounds. this bypasses the trigger that fully loads the level and allows me to b-hop directly to the toilet. keep in mind that in the character creation menu i did a quit out glitch right before the penis size and pant-selection menu respectively, This allows me to save another 5 seconds as i wont have to pull my pants down as well as saving me .0455556 seconds in total due to the aerodynamics caused by my cock and balls defaulting to the smallest setting from quitting out. RNGesus also blessed me this run with one of the smallest possible turds, allowing me to take only one second to squeeze the shit out of my ass. skipping the wipe cutscene afterwards allowed me to save approximately 10 seconds which is a nice bonus to bring this run to a close. all in all, even though this is world record pace, im sure someone or even myself could be able to shave a few milliseconds off of my new 4.97756 second any% shitter record.