I'm a 24 year old guy who because of an accident as a child, I literally broke my penis. I went all my teens not knowing what an erection feels like or what it's like to be able to perform and no one knows that the reason I've been working since I was 14 is because I had a goal in mind: getting that damm implant.
now, having had my first sexual experience ever in my life, I felt this sense of anger just go off my mind. I hated the topic of sex because I knew I was disbanded from enjoying it, now I can get hard so easy and ironically I have a form of switch and kill switch, I just turn it on and off when I want to. It's creepy I know but trust me I feel like ''robocock''
Does it get soft? nope, I can now pound FOREVER and the though if that itself has revived some sense of self worth that I have never felt before, I'm not even scared to talk to girls now because I'm aware that I have a modified penis with perks and attachments.
People ask me why I'm happy now and not all negative and depressed but I can't tell them because it's awkward and people my age wouldn't understand the pain and sacrifice, I just want to enjoy this victory in anonymity.