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I broke up with my girlfriend over Riven

    There's something that's been on my mind for a long time, something I think many redditors here may relate to. I posted this here today because any time I go to my friends for advice, or ranting about this issue, I get turned away or mocked. But as Riven would say, it must come to pass. I have made my decision.
    My infatuation with Riven from League of Legends runs deeper than mere admiration for her in-game abilities. It's the way her lithe, tender yet powerful figure moves gracefully across the battlefield, her shining viridescent blade dancing in the air as she weaves through her foes. It's the intensity in her eyes, a fierce determination that mirrors the passion she ignites within me. And that passion I share with her... is just not the same with my girlfriend of 6 years, Joosah.
    I thought that I could keep the affair hidden, but my emotions couldn't contain themselves. I needed her, not Joosah, I needed Riven. If I couldn't be on my pc at all times to be with her, why not turn just make a real life Riven? I slowly, unsuspiciously modified my girlfriend over time to be as close to riven as possible. I started with the hair, to match Riven's luscious white locks to forcing Joosah to wear ragged cloths anytime she is in my presence, but it was never enough. Joosah just couldn't match the look. When I tried to get Joosah to fast combo with gracious speed and powerful strikes I realized it just couldn't be done in the terrestrial world, nor could her q3 wallhop, nor the windslash, nor legally the 1 v 5 pentakills i so craved to witness. I broke up with Joosah after she accidentally tattoed mastery 6 instead of 7, which may have been the saving grace, but even she managed to mess it up.
    That's when I realized this world isn't my world. I am, and will always be, a part of Runeterra where I belong, with her, with Riven. I have bid farewell to my family, friends, and any of those I interacted with, but now it's time for me to fully immerse myself as a new member of the League of Legends. I will, from now on, never step foot in the light of this god-forsaken terrestrial world, and only in Runeterra will I exist.
    So, Riven, honey, I'm home.