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I (20M) agreed to let my girlfriend (21F) poop on me to satisfy one of her fetishes, but she didn’t tell me she was going to have diarrhea.

    I agreed to let my girlfriend poop on me
    My girlfriend opened up to me a while back about a kink of hers, which, as you can see, involves shitting on people. Obviously I was very taken aback by this, and eventually the conversation led to her basically asking me if I would be willing to do it. At first I said “absolutely not.” But then after more talking, I decided that, despite the fact that the idea of doing this made me feel like my skin was going to turn inside out, I was willing to provide the woman I love with this experience just one time, since according to her nobody else had ever agreed to it. Of course, she was very excited, so we picked a day to do it and that was that.
    Fast forward to last night. I’m laying in the bathtub, holding my breath, and she squats right above my body. I expected to feel some warm logs of human feces plop firmly onto my chest. Instead I got my entire body sprayed down by hot diarrhea. I have never seen her orgasm that quickly or intensely. Her whole body immediately began shaking and she had to grip the walls of the shower to keep herself upright as she kept going. The spray got all over my face and in my hair too. It was the most horrifying thing that’s ever happened to me.
    I started screaming and she asked me what was wrong. I told her that I didn’t say she could have fucking diarrhea on me. I started throwing up in the bathtub and immediately turned on the shower head. She said she didn’t know it would come out like that but later after some intense arguing she admitted that she knew and did it anyway because she didn’t think there was a difference. I told her that there’s a big fucking difference. She thinks I’m overreacting but I honestly don’t think so. We haven’t talked much since because things are extremely awkward.
    I guess my question is, what should I do now? I still really care about her but this feels like a violation. Can we have a normal sex life again? Any help is appreciated

    AITA for invading Ukraine?

      Using my alt account because of personal reasons. So anyway, I[69M(literally)] am a high government official of a country with a strong military. Anyway, I am clinically diagnosed with Invasiontia[for anyone who doesn't know it's meaning, it basically means my mind forces me to invade countries, very few people are diagnosed with it(like Adolf Hitler), so i guess it makes me quirky uwu], so i really can't be the one to blame.
      I do what i like, usually, but people often judge me for living my life on my own terms. My distant relative, who has a history of playing fortnite and being antivax, being a furry, pedophile, and being a baby yoda hater called me today and abused me verbally, and told me what i was doing was wrong. I was heartbroken by their words. Not only that, Emily[She/They 13 diagnosed with 255 mental illnesses] made a really mean tweet against me today. She compared me to Hitler (I know Hitler and I have the same mental illness, but it doesn't mean I am as much of an asshole like he is, right?).
      All this negativity is severely affecting my mental health(i come from a country where mental health isn't given a lot of importance and also my country isn't very supportive of gay people), and i am now contemplating suicide by shooting myself in the head.
      Everyone thinks i am an asshole, what do you think reddit? AITA?

      We should buy reddit.

        We should buy Reddit.
        Not the stock. The actual company.
        If we all get together and own 51% then we will own this entire website.
        We could make the rules, profit from the advertising, and finally get paid for the memes we make.
        I’ve even come up with a list of things we could do as new owners:
        1.Reddit mods can apply for paid-internships at Reddit. This is much closer to having a real job than what they currently do and would benefit the organization.
        2.Your flair is your official title at the company. IE: instead of “CFO” you’ll be “PotatoFart”
        3.NSFW posts will receive special protections–and if you happen to work in our new skyscraper then NSFW posts are automatically considered SFW.
        4.Everyone gets a turn in the corporate jet.
        5.Elon becomes a mod. He can also apply to become a paid intern.
        6.We have a monthly party on our company yacht: The S.S. VisualMod.
        7.Our corporate cafeteria is a dining hall with fast food restaurants along the side–but they’re all Wendy’s.
        I think this is a great idea.
        Keep it high and tight.

        AITA for saving a child from a dangerous situation?

          You average Redit AITA post
          I know this sounds bad, but hear me out.
          Earlier this month, I was walking home from the store as usual. I began smelling a feint burning smell and I heard muffled shouting ahead. I picked up the pace to discover the commotion. A building was on fire and a small child was standing by the second story window shrieking for help as flames rose behind him. Luckily, I had been doing parkour ever since I was a teen so I climbed up to his window and reached out to grab the child. He reached out for me as well and I hoisted him down on my back. When we reached the ground the child ran to his parents and they thanked me while hugging him.
          Later today I was visiting a friend in prison who happens to be serving a sentence for attempted murder of many children. He said I was an asshole and I shouldn’t have saved the kid from the burning building. Ever since, I can’t help but feel like kind of an asshole so I would appreciate to hear a third persons perspective on this. So reddit, AITA?

          AITA for pooping in my friend’s shower and blaming her dog

            Pooping in shower copypasta
            Last weekend I (16M) visited a friend of mine (17F) for a sleepover. I asked if I could shower because I wasn't feeling so fresh. She let me and I stepped in. I was flatulent so I farted, but gas wasn't all that came out. I must admit that I do this on purpose when I'm home but I've never done it at a friend's house. I was really embarrassed so I just stomped most of it down the drain. Some splattered over the wall though and the shower was not handheld, so I decided to leave it and hope for the best. I cleaned myself and put on some clothes and pretended like nothing happened. The next day her mother decided to take a shower and saw the mess. She was LIVID, screaming at my friend for the mess she'd made. She started crying and left the room. She returned a few minutes later and she had a look of death. I panicked, and we argued. I decided to deny all allegations and blame her dog for the mess. She said that her dog would never projectile shit all over the shower walls, yet I kept denying it. She eventually calmed down and I left. I personally think I did nothing wrong since it wasn't even a big mess, and a dog could easily have done that. My friend won't respond to any of my texts, she's probably expecting me to apologize or something