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The art of the copypasta

    POV you said copypastas doesn't affect you
    The art of the copypasta is an ancient technique used by multiple generations across the world. It is a staple of mocking culture, a cornerstone. You're saying that, because "it's a secondhand insult, it does not affect me". Do I need to tell you how stupid that statement that is? Do you know how politicians get their votes halved? Exactly, by the media. "B-b-but how does the media do this?????" I hear you ask. Well, they use their own words against them. Just because you said something doesn't mean you are ''immune'' to any insult involved with that saying. Your pathetic little brain isn't able to even comprehend basic karma and I do not have a smidge of empathy for your inevitable failure in life. The author of a terribly written book is never immune to criticism. "Well, they spent a lot of time into writing the book so-" Shut Up. No. The mere cringe I experience when you speak using that voice of yours and its very own screeching nagging tone is close to infinite. The sheer inability of your mind to get a grasp of modern culture and society is a massive red flag involving all your future interactions with actually competent beings. I actively yearn for the day that your IQ surpasses 7 but alas, it'll sadly never happen.
    Kind Regards,

    I just nutted to your comment

      What does this mean?
      The amount of cum (semen) on my phone and Reddit phone has increased by one.
      Why did you do this?
      There are several reasons I may deem a comment to be worthy of cum. These include, but are not limited to:
      • ⁠you being a femboy, • ⁠Spreading sti infections, • ⁠Sarcasm correctly flagged with a /s.
      Am I banned from the Reddit?
      No. But you should make comments like this in the future. Otherwise I will be forced to not cum.
      I don't believe my comment deserved a nut. Can you un-nut to it?
      Sure,  mistakes happen. But only in exceedingly rare circumstances will I undo  a nut. If you would like to issue an appeal, shoot your nut on me. I  tend to respond to Being shot with nut within several minutes. Do note,  however, that over 99.9% of nut appeals are rejected, and yours is  likely no exception.
      How can I prevent this from happening in the future?
      Accept  the nut and move on. your behavior will be nutted to on I  will continue to nut until you stop boing so hot 😩 Remember: I’m horny  uwu

      This sub is the UNFUNNIEST place EVER on the internet.

        It comes from r/teenagers right?
        I have been in this shitty sub for almost a year and the humour here almost didn’t change at all. All of you here are so fucking unfunny it hurts to even open Reddit and see your “jokes” on my home page. The word 69 is not funny at ALL. 420 is also not funny. I know they are the sex and weed number but how is that funny at all? Do you just say “oh I’m almost about to get 69 karma haha funny”????? You’re not. Saying “penis” or when asked to say a joke “my life” isn’t fucking funny in any way. How is a whole group of teenagers SO UNFUNNY???? I used to have this type of “humour” for a bit (not that long so thank god) and after I realized how much it was being repeated I realized that you guys are embarrassing. No one out of Reddit likes or respects ANY of you. TIK TOK is funnier then here AND ALWAYS WILL BE. “So leave the sub” that won’t fix the sub though, will it? It hurts to see your “jokes”. Develop a sense of humor or just get out😐

        It’s My Cake Day.

          obligatory "happy cake day"
          I have a cyan cake next to my username. Give me karma. This is non-negotiable, and if any opposition occurs, it will result in you getting 360 no-scoped by my elite team of cake day enforcers. If that doesn’t work, I will find your IP address, go to your home, and flay you alive. Your body will be more mangled than my ex-wife’s hand that got stuck in the garbage disposal. I will then sell your organs on the black market for copious amounts of money (which I will use to make a time machine to travel to my next cake day). I will then murder your whole family and bury them under my heretic blood-shrine. You will sorrow as the deep pits of hell envelop you and all you love, for not upvoting my post. Be scared. Fear.
          Give me karma.


            Sorry for my bad english. Also I’m typing on mobile, if im make any spelling mistakes im sorry.
            So i was browsing reddit. i did my daily deed by creating my 420th account to downvote EA’s comment about microtransactions (EPIC). and then i saw a hilarious meme about dying in a car crash on r/dankmemes. i decided to try it out. So me, being the typical redditor decided to take my wife and children with me (SPOILER, THIS WAS A MISTAKE). Not with standing, we were in the car and saw a big truck. Now i’m a fan of big trucks, let me tell you, but the driver was clearly an insta normie. We crashed into the truck going 250 mph. My wife was vaporised immediately. The car flipped 69 times (nice). Cum, everywhere. My cock and balls, tortured. My reddit gold, gone. r/wooosh.  now you might have noticed the truck driver has uploaded this accident on r/watchpeopledie after committing 4 counts of vehicular manslaughter. This guy is a repeat offender when it comes to reposting. I could name several instances in which he reposted in r/blursedimages and r/aww. Typically he reigns in 20% karma gains as compared to the original posts. This is outrageous. But what is more outrageous is this man, this normie decides to repost on to instagram! Unforgivable! Onto his instagram account, i have noticed several posts causing me to believe he is a boomer! Not just this, but a simp! He supports the orange man and kills children! To relieve my stress after this scarring incident, I decided to donate my life savings to pokemane. Now this bitch, didn't even say my name! I cant believe this! And then, to top it all off, after uploading my cat to r/chonkers HE DIES! It was right after his 12th meal of the day, so at least he died happily. Could it be the cat food? Has anyone else experienced this? After my cat dying i asked my crush out and she said no! My wifes boyfriend called me a cuck and insulted my neckbeard. I was sad. I covered my tears with my fedora. “M’lady”, i whispered, “please forgive me, i have failed you”. After this i went onto r/pewdiepiesubmissions to defend a woman being bullied by evil men. They called me a simp, but i knew that i was actually a protector of the female gender from the patriarchy! 
            TLDR: Keanu chungus updoot raid reddit gold platinum UWU wholesome what are your greatest cumshots OWO r/whoosh r/pewdiepiesubmissions r/incel r/funny r/AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA r/askreddit r/incel r/funny r/AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA r/askreddit
            Edit 1: Thank you for the gold, kind stranger!
            Edit 2: WOW! My first platinum? Incredible! 
            Edit 3: 69 thousand updoots? We did it reddit!
            Edit 4: Keanu would be proud! Thank you!
            Edit 5: WOW! 100 thousand upvotes! I came!!!!
            Edit 6: Incredible! The amount of upvotes I have is almost as many murders as I have committed in Syria!
            Update 1: I am in jail due to my war crimes in Syria. AMA