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LPT: If you’re tall, when speaking to a short person, kneel down or else you’re being ableist

    Being short is a disability, and as a tall person, it's your responsibility to make sure short people don't get even more disabled by having to look up to speak to you. Doing this can damage their neck. Standing up while talking to short people also makes them feel threatened and unsafe so kneeling down not only prevents them from damaging their necks but also makes them feel more safe. Not doing this means you don't respect short people, you're mocking their disability, you're looking down on them and that's ableist, so be the bigger man and kneel.
    Thank you.

    Public Warning: OP is a liberal

      L*berals 😡😠😡😠😡
      Public Warning: OP is a liberal and has posted on numerous left aligned subreddits. Please do not upvote his posts and remember to report suspicious activity.
      I am not a bot. I am a Volunteer Reddit Community Moderator. I do not have mod powers but my reports are taken seriously and those who get on my bad side tend to get banned in under 24 hours. I have numerous rules, which you may read in my post history, but 1 is the most important rule of all:
      • ⁠I am an officer in training, and I expect to be treated the same way I would be with my uniform and badge. Watch you back and get used to this face kiddo, you’ll be seeing a lot of it.
      ~ Honorary Volunteer Reddit Community Moderator

      You abhorrent scum. You ignorant fool.

        You abhorrent scum. You ignorant fool. I will sue you. You are going to be the target of the greatest lawsuit the world has ever seen. You don't know why? It's completely obvious. It's so obvious, the most deplorable peasant could grasp the full magnitude of your wickedness and treachery with the greatest of ease. Your actions cry out for mercy, and I will be happy to deliver it. And if you're thinking this is a mistake, or merely a deception of mine, you're sadly mistaken, my friend. I have indisputable proof of your continued harassment and other offenses. Even without it, the jury would take one look at you and decide. The incomprehensible magnitude of your crimes brings with it unavoidable, infinite guilt, and whether you notice it or not, everyone else does. Are you interested in who will be serving as the offense attorney? I'll tell you. It's my father. Your defense? It doesn't matter, in fact, they might just not give you one even to spare just one individual from the trauma. My father is the greatest lawyer in the US, the world, and human history, including the future, which he knows due to the fact that he sued the future and they travelled back in time to tell him. He's served for hundreds of Supreme Court cases, and he's won every single one. You may have never thought about being court-marshaled, but now, that's a real threat. That is the power of my father, a culmination of flawless, supreme logic and a perfect knowledge of the law. You will lose this case, your money, and your life. Does that scare you, insignificant bug? Because it should. The entire history of the U.S. Judicial System has been leading up to this moment, where all of its fury is concentrated on ruining your life. My father won't even need to help. Your heinous crimes will be evident to all, so just give up, you crook. Give up before you're forced to.

        Copypasta has become a shit sub

          Idk what it is with you guys but you keep upvoting anything with the word cum sex or dick in it. I came here for subtle wall of texts where you couldn’t tell if it was real or fake. Now these 10k upvoted cumshit copypastas are just upvoted, never pasted. You don’t actually see any of them in the wild it’s a truly sad state. See for yourself sort by top this year and it’s all sex like fr is it that funny?

          How are 13yos doing it but I’m 16 and have never even been in a relationship

            r/teenagers is a gold mine for copypastas
            I feel like every post here that's not a shitpost is about people getting into relationships or losing their virginity with a so or a fwb, etc.
            WHY AM I THE ONLY ONE HERE WHO'S STILL A LONELY VIRGIN? I seriously feel like I'm the only one, and it also doesn't help my self esteem, which is already really low. I think i look horrible (no I'm not showing my face) but many people have told me that I look better than most, but I don't believe that, because nobody wants to engage in a conversation with me, even when I start it.
            How are people so lucky while I'm here just getting more and more depressed as time goes on because I feel like I'm the only one not in a relationship or still a virgin which makes me feel like I'm inadequate, but I've tried everything I can, and it's still not enough.

            Am I racist? (serious)

              Very serious
              Hello r/blacklivesmatter. I have a question.
              So before I explain what happened, lemme just say this. I’m white (oppressor) and I’m very bad because I’m white. I recently was texting my friend (also oppressor) and was using some emojis to convey what I was saying. I generally use the default skin toned emojis which are a bright yellow color. One day though, my finger slipped and I accidentally used one of the darker skin toned 🖐 emoji. After realizing the horrible act of racism I’d just committed, I immediately deleted the reply as it had been rooted in racism and there’s no excuse for that. I then profusely apologized over Instagram messages to all of my accomplices, friends and acquaintances of color. A majority of them had responses that said that what happened was completely fine but I realized their opinion was probably white washed because of me (oppressor) and other white people (domestic terrorists/oppressors). So now I ask, am I racist because of this?