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I just wooooshed my parents during my grandma’s death

    I just wooooshed my parents LETS GOOOOOO
    Hello there, So basically what happened was I was browsing through Reddit but then my parents (I posted them onto r/entitledparents cause that’s what heroes do) wanted me to go to the hospital to see my grandma one last time. I really didn’t want to but I decided to go since it’s basically free r/cringetopia karma (I need enough karma to post on r/dankmemes) so then at my grandma’s bed, she was saying cringe stuff like “I always loved the smile on your face, M13 (me)” or “I really want to see you again, I love you” so then I decided to say “ok boomer” (cause it would be free r/unexpected karma) but then she passed away. My cringe parents were talking about how disrespectful that was while they were crying (LOL CAUGHT IN 4K) so then I, M13 told them that they got busted onto r/entitledparents. I was then taken to the orphanage since my parents didn’t understand any of my memes (cringe parents don’t understand 21st century humor) but at least I got to show the other kids there my funny wholesome memes.