Why I think Female looking Pokémons ment and designed for pornography

"Gotta catch 'em all!" That's the popular sentence that most pokémon fans say. But for me, it's "Catch-n-Smash 'em All!". in-order to make Pokémon fans still happy with the Pokémon games. The Pokémon Company always have to make Sexy Mommy milkers looking pokémon to make the fans happy. Because Once the Hot Pokémon Enter the eyes. It gives a memetic effect that has a chance to make the subject who views it sexually attracted to it.
The Pokémon Company THEMSELVES know that the fans are already sexually attracted to some pokémons. Like gardevoir or lopunny. And they still make hotter looking ones. Like cinderace and goodra. Like many other things on the internet. People make weird fricking fetishes. like vore. Which is the sexual practice of swallowing something alive. Even tho it's not possible in real life. Thus. The pokémon company HAD a reason to make the female-looking pokémons sexy. Because all of the weird crap that exist on the internet
Also. Lopunny's design clearly makes "her" sexy. Even tho "she" is not an erotic character. The people who designed "her" clearly saw some pornography before. The proof is "her" juicy hips. People would try to have sexual pleasure with it. Since "her" hips are really REALLY wide.
Also. Since the face-sitting fetish exists. Probably before the internet came in. Goodra is PERFECT for it. "Her" giant butt Is meant for it. Not also "she" is fat. Having sexual pleasure with "Her" Is clearly the perfect thing that exists in this big universe. "Her" farts are probably really attracting. Since "she" is big, slimy and fat. and of course. Thick
Now for Cinderace. Lopunny's Best sexual friend. Cinderace's Foots Are pretty much great for foot fetish. "Her" Feet are really long and big. If you put "her" feet in your mouth. It's probably the tastiest thing in the world. Tickling "her" feet is pretty much fun for her and yourself. "Her" Feet smells like rose or even better.
And now. for the most overrated one. Gardevoir. The queen of pokémons. Her mouth is probably the perfect thing for kissing. "She" would try to also kiss you if you would try to date "her". "Her" Lips feel like chewing a steak. Not only that. "Her" tongue is extremely flexible and long. And will dominate you in a tongue fight. Her moans sound really satisfying also.
And that's pretty much it. You guys probably will call me a coomer but trust me. If pokémon was real. There would be a lot of human-pokémon hybrid organism. Anyways. I'll rather have a pokémon wife instead of a human one. smh