My husband talks like a pirate when we have sex and it’s driving me insane.

He started doing this about a year ago and won't stop. It's so annoying and I've told him I don't think it's funny or sexy but he called me a "land lubber" and a "scurvy dog" then threatened to "plunder my booty." I told him I was serious and he said he'd try to stop but that was several months ago and it's like he can't stop and it's some kind of compulsion. Otherwise our sex life is great but just the other night when I took off my underwear and spread my legs he cried out "Thar she blows! Ready the harpoon lads!" Which I definitely didn't appreciate the whale comparison (I am not overweight) and when he finished he yelled out "Yaaaaaaar!" Like a pirate and I just rolled my eyes.
At this point I don't think he can help it and it might be a kink of his or something so I'm trying to just go along with it and be supportive even though it's very weird. This is literally the most obnoxious thing my husband does so I'm luckier than a lot of women I guess.