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People With Big Penises

People With Big Penises Should Be Executed

    Yesterday I was in a daze. I had gotten into a heated argument on Reddit on whether or not r/averageredditor is filled with the same kinds of people it claims to detest. I thought I had thoroughly defeated my opponent's reasoning, but then he told me he'd fuck my mom. But when he did, I found out the hard way that his penis was so long and hard that when he put it all inside, it caused my mom's innards to be pierced by his mammoth dong. Blood and cum came all out of her vagina. The guy with the big penis came out unscathed, even though I saw shit going into his urethra. Sadly though, my mom died. RIP.
    Today I was trying to overcome this great trauma by fapping to rule 34. However, a teenage fuck, also with a massive dong, thought it would be funny if he aimed his ejaculated at me through my window. However, his aim was off. But not in a good way. His cum managed to go inside of my PC case and cause it to die. My 3000tb porn collection was now completely gone. But, when I tried to do the same thing to the guy who destroyed my PC, my wimpy cock couldn't even let out one good drop of jizz.
    Big penises oppress. My aunt died after deepthroating a ginormous pp. Jocks slapped me in high school with penises I could never even hope to have just to spite me. Fuck the dongicracy. Fuck the pparchy. I want these fuckers to get a taste of their own medicine, and die deepthroating the biggest dong of them all, my anime waifu's giant futa cock.