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Penis better than ballsack

Why the penis is better than the ballsack

    You fucking idiot cocks are better than balls in every way. And I will show you why cocks are better than balls
    Firstly the penis is more iconic with it's long thick stem and the head being an it's head with a design resembling a mushroom which, being one of the first lifeforms on the planet even preceding plants and barely changing over the millions of years it has existed shows that the penis's design is greay but, the penis makes the mushroom's design even better by taking the head of it and making it more aerodynamic which, gives it the ability to bulldoze through everything and everyone. The penis is a sign of masterfully crafted excellence, the ballsack on the other hand is just a bunch of organs haphazardly thrown together into a skin sack.
    Secondly the human body spends way more resources on the penis than it ever spends on the ballsack. The human body specially pumps penis full of blood but, the might of the penis's might is so unparalleled that it uses up all of the body's resources if used for long stretches of time. The penis is only activated on a special occasion; the ballsack just hangs around.
    Thirdly the penis has many imitators because it's a beautifully crafted device, as they say: "Imitation is the best form of flattery." The ballsack having barely any imitators to speak of is a sign of its inferior design. The mighty penis is the one to start many great businesses and an entire industry not the ballsack.
    And finally the feeling of sucking a penis Is a feeling of pure ecstasy, nothing will ever beat the feeling of sucking on a big meaty penis. As soon as the penis hits your mouth it envelopes and overpowers you with its mere presence, lightly twitching in your mouth to show that it needs to be taken care of and that your only responsibility at the moment is to suck on it. The ballsack is a plaything the penis is to be taken seriously.