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Pekora Hololive

Imagine you are a japanese student and like vtubers.

    Vtuber copypasta
    Imagine you are a japanese student and like vtubers. One day, you go to school, and you have a new teacher. She doesn't look very special, but her voice sounds kinda familiar. You start your lesson and forget about it. Break starts, and you start speaking to your friends. You tell them what you did yesterday. You mention that pekora stream you watched. Suddenly, you see how the teacher reacts nervously. You think its strange, but you don't pay much attention, since that one friend just dropped some weird lines about Luna.
    Break is over, you start your next lesson. Your teacher starts laughing
    There is no doubt. Your bones start shivering, your eyes are getting hasty. Sweat drops form on your face. You remember the time you imagined weird things with pekora. You start to feel ill. "Is everything alright" the teacher asks. Its too much, you can barely hold it in. "Yea im fine, peko" you say. The whole class looks at you. Everybody thinks you are an even bigger weirdo than you are. The teacher is the only one (apart from your friends group) knowing where that came from, for she is pekora