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I busted a huge nut to your post

    I would like to inform you that I busted a huge nut to your post. My earth shattering orgasm started making me moan loud enough to deafen anyone in the near vicinity. What followed was a torrential downpour of every single sperm cell I ever have or will ever produce, shot out so hard that it ripped my dick apart by my übernut accelerating to 7% the speed of light by the time it left my urethra. It punched right trough my wall, barely slowing down, before cutting trough a structural support beam in my building as it were a nuclear powered angle grinder. The shear weight of this historical nut, combined with the total destruction of everything in its path, caused my building to collapse, and every female in the city to fall pregnant with my children. When the death toll was tallied, there were 33 deaths, 148 injuries, and over 4 million pregnancies. As I lay dying under the rubble, I rest assured knowing every one of my sons will repeat this glorious act.

    My first even orgasm came from an electric fence

      Least depraved redditor
      My first ever orgasm came from an electric fence.
      I don't know if this really fits here, if it doesn't then sorry I'll delete.
      When I was young, about 12 or something, I was walking through the woods near my house. There are a lot of farmlands around here and some have electric fences. Me being young and stupid, I wanted to cut through a field to get to the other side quicker, I knew the fence was electrified so I used a tree to jump over it, the issue was that there wasn't a tree at the other end, so I used an old bucket to try and jump over it.
      Basically the bucket fell away from me and I landed crotch first on the fence. To this day I've never experienced so much pain and pleasure at the same time, or even separately. I fell off onto the grass, shaking and orgasming for almost a full minute. I ended up wetting myself and having to spend an hour walking back home, my legs were too weak to walk for the first half hour so it took way longer than usual to get back.
      It was the most intense pleasure ever, and to this day I've always wanted to try and recreate it, for obvious reasons I haven't and probably never will, but it haunts me that I'll never feel that pleasure again.