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Day 2 of no fap

    Okay I just had the weirdest thing happen to me on my day 2 of no fap, I was taking a shit and struggling to push it out and simultaneously I kid you not I randomly ejaculate as I push my shit out, I’m just sitting there dumbfounded as to why the fuck this happened, there was no pleasure to my shit, nothing strange I wasn’t fapping I swear to god I just randomly….. ejaculated while shitting. WHAT THE FUCK? Anyways mission failed life really hates me lmao


      So it was 2016 or so and I remember the NoFap hype was insane. I was an insanely happy 18 year old boy who had just gotten into the gym, eating healthy, and all that good stuff. It was also my freshmen year of college, and I had never seen so many hot girls in my life.
      I had seen so many memes on Twitter and Reddit about people not jerking off during No Nut November and decided I was going to be one of the nut jobs who was actually about it, but I was going to go longer than just November.
      3 Months later, I was depressed to find out that I was not able to levitate, I was not able to lift heavier, and my mood had not increased. In fact by this point I would get a full blown boner from my cock accidentally touching something or rubbing against something. I would go to stand up at school and my shlong would accidentally brush up against the desk and I would have to forcefully ground myself to not get a raging Bõner. I had become insanely irritable, aggressive, and felt like a ticking time bomb. I have been in therapy for years and it's sad to say I believe I have spent more time grounding myself to avoid getting a raging boner, compared to practicing grounding techniques to fight off panic attacks.
      Anyway, we'll get to the good part.
      I had an insane workout at the gym, there were a plethora of hot females there, and I knew the second I was changing in the locker room that I was going to explode. I had slid my shorts up to my waist and they brushed against my dick super badly this time. I had to practice deep breathing and waistband it before I walked out of the gym.
      I sped home and immediately ran upstairs and shut my door. I enter and from there it was like the South Park episode where they lose internet and Randy Marsh jerks off to anything he sees.
      I didn't even watch a video; I jerked off to the thumbnails of the videos because I couldn't sit there and wait for it to load. I came in literally around 20-30 seconds and it was bad.
      I have learned to never try NoFap again. It was actually so intense I was overwhelmed by the feeling and was slightly anxious afterwards, fuck that shit!