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no u you fucking clown

“no u” response

    No u
    People who say no u make me want to throw up. When i’m having a valiant argument with the scum of the internet and they say no u, I want the ground to shake where they fall and swallow them up again. Fuck you you useless piece of unwanted crappy smelly trash. Why don’t you come up with a better response than no u you fucking idiot. Your parents probably hate you for your lack of vocabulary. You probably sit and act like a retard because of your lack of vocabulary skills. Fuck you. People who say No U are the fucking scum of the earth. Come up with better comebacks you simpleton. Kill yourself while your at it you mother fucker. Come at me next time with a better response tou peasant. I deserve a better response instead of just no u you fucking clown. I’m waiting for a well written response pussy. Thank you cunt.