My husband and I work together so we 👪 go to the same 😂 bank 🏛🏛 pretty often, and there’s this woman uff she’s very hot 😩 and I found her really 👄 attractive since the first time… 👀 then I realized that 😉 she was checking out 😱🏍 on my husband. One day one of the women there was asking us like 😄 “What are you guys gonna do today?” And we were like 😄 oh we’re going to the mall shopping and I 😩 noticed 👀 that she listened AND SHE SHOWED UP❤ AT THE MALL! 🏬 I was 👏 like omg 🤣😱 😳 what is she 🤷👩 doing 😉 here? And boom 💥 I fall in love with her 😍👌🤤😍 she 😍 was looking so damn fine 😣😂 BUT she 💦👩 was obviously looking for 💰 MY husband, so after that I told him to go 🏃 to 😂 another locations (he didn’t saw her) but I was 😟 like damn 😲😅 I don’t want him to see her almost everyday at the bank. BUT now I want to go to that location 👌👌 again 👌 to see 👀 her 👸 🤤😍 but I’m afraid 😨😨 my 🙈👦 husband starts liking her and stops ❌ liking👁 me :( he didn’t really pay attention to her 💦😏 but what if he starts liking 👍 her?😩 (We just got married 🤵👰 tho).