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My dad caught me shifting gears with my dick

TIFU by imagining my dick as a 6 speed manual transmission

    Today in another episode of "That happened"
    I have an unhealthy habit of imagining my dick as a 6 speed manual transmission, and shifting gears with it.
    I do it every time I have a rock hard boner especially when I'm in no mood to jerk off.
    Last week, I was at my parents house for dinner. So, after I was done with my dinner, I was horny so decided to head back to my old room and have a little sausage massage session.
    I put on some ebony porn, and started to slowly play with myself. Halfway through, I lost interest, but I had a rock solid boner, so I decided to shift gears with it. So, I put on some manual transmission car racing videos on my TV, and shifted gears with my dick whenever the guys in the video shifted the gears. I was trying to match the timing, and it was fun.
    The fun lasted for 10 minutes, until my dad barged into my room to ask me if I would fancy some ice cream. The puzzled look on his face said everything.
    tl;dr :- My dad caught me shifting gears with my dick to car racing videos.