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memes to taliban accounts

Can we mass send memes to the Taliban

    360 no scope from a tree while I peee
    Like what if we get a small part of this sub to send memes to taliban accounts on twitter to lobotomize them. We get them too busy browsing reddit to actually plan shit and we make them waste their day watching memes.
    Imagine there's this taliban sniper about to take out a child when all of a sudden he remembers "peter griffin halal ben shapiro cringe القرف haram turtle swanson القرف free no virus no download 100% gratis 2013 (ملحمة ساءت)", he laughs and he misses the shot. Or a suicide bomber accidentally setting off the vest because he mistook the remote for his mouse while trying to replay a video. Or maybe we get them to become lazy as fuck and all they do bow is share memes.
    We must feed the Taliban memes Basically, epic reddit do your thing make the talibans retarded like you