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lack of know how to solve your own problems

You obviously CAN’T survive in PC Gaming…

    sent after someone complained about hdr in pc gaming
    Actually what "Sucks" is YOUR LACK of Know-How to solve your Own Problems in PC Gaming...
    In Consoles HDR is done at the "Factory Level" both on Hardware and Games so that you can even be a BABY to not care or know about those things to enjoy HDR levels.
    In PC Gaming you MUST KNOW every Detail of HOW to "Make HDR Work" for that Game as all the Support that ONLY Consoles provide is GONE as you're CLUELESS on how to apply the HDR to your Game. You must know how to Configure Windows or Game or even must know to use CORRECT HDR Hardware such as cables to ensure you can get the effect...
    Since you CHOSEN to be a BABY, please go back to your Console Gaming and leave r/PCGaming to Adults ONLY. Consoles is like taking a TAXI and PC Gaming is like Building your Own Motorbike from SCRATCH. You obviously CAN'T survive in PC Gaming...