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TIFU by telling my friend that her dog isn’t non-binary.

    This happened during lunch when she excitedly brought her dog along. It’s a super cute “labradoodle” and she has had him for 3 weeks now. Like most new dog owners she talked a lot about this dog and how smart he is, how he is with other dogs and people, etc. I didn’t mind of course, if it made her happy then why not!
    An hour or so into lunch I noticed she kept referring to the dog as “it” and “they” I asked what gender the dog is and she gave me such a look. “…THEY are non-binary. THEY do not have a gender.” Er… what? She really took me surprise and then I laughed thinking she was joking. Well, she wasn’t…
    I then made the mistake of saying that it’s a bit silly to be that way about her dog. It’s not like the dog can tell her that HE doesn’t identify as a gender. She was furious when I said that and the rest of the lunch was awkward as hell, even after changing the subject.
    TLDR; TIFU by telling my friend over lunch that her new adorable labradoodle dog isn’t non-binary.
    Edit: actually thought I was going to get hate for this, glad to know I’m not a total bad person.