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kill la kill pogchamp

Ugh fine I guess you are my little pogchamp

    Ugh, fine, I guess you are my little pogchamp, come here.
    Listen to me. I am not your little pogchamp. I’m not anyone’s little pogchamp. I’m not changing for anything or anyone. Even if it is an E-Girl. I am not your little pogchamp, and I will never be.
    It seems you dont understand the situation. You ARE my little pogchamp, and you WILL come here. That is, if you ever want to see your family again
    I am sick of seeing this overused and unfunny animation. “Oh she says pogchamp! That’s funny!” No you fucking neanderthal, it’s not. It wasn’t funny the first time, and it still isn’t funny the 40th time. This should have been nothing more than a random animation. One random fucking animation someone made. The animator didn’t intend anything else but to make an animation to fit a pre-existing meme voiceover, but for some ungodly reason all of these “meme community” fuckers have to beat it to death for being a clip where “le epic twitch emote is mentioned by a sexy anime girl!!” There is no punchline. None of the material in this “meme” sets up any expectation and neither does it break any of those said expectations in what we would refer to as “humor”. On all levels, on every imaginable criteria, this is not funny. I do not understand how an entire community can have a sense of humor that is so revoltingly awful. I do not understand how so many people think seeing a random reaction clip after this animation is funny. I am about ready to blow the fucking brains out of my head if I see this “meme” one more fucking time.