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isnt incest wrong

Incest is bad

    guys😲i just found out😮😮
    so i was fucking🍑 my sister💁🏼‍♀️ as usual🤭 when a thoguth🤔 came to my mimnd🤯🤯🤯: isnt incest 🚫wrong🚫
    so i instantly🚫 took my dickc🍆 out o f her💁🏼‍♀️ and picked her up, she had a ocnufsed😲 look on her face😩 and then I threw↗️💯 her out of yhte window🚪
    she died instntly🗿 and thats when i realized😩 i had bcome💯 a better prson🎅🏼, because i stopped doig incest🍌.
    later i was fucking🍆💦 my mom👵🏼 and she agreed👍🏻 that insects 🐑 is bad😩
    hope u consider my infomration⚠️ and use it to becom a better🛐 perosn
    bye 👋👋👋👋👋👋