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I sometimes feel like Cartman from that episode where he loses his ability to laugh

    As a Real Madrid fan, I sometimes feel like Cartman from that episode where he loses his ability to laugh. In the past 10 years I have watched my team win the top of the top competition 6 times. 6 times. In 10 years. Like ... I don't know if there's anything more a football fan can even wish for. I literally watched mere mortals turn into legends. A club that went from being the second violin to their biggest rivals to dominating the entire footballing world. I am happy, don't get me wrong. But I don't see myself ever experiencing anything on the same level in terms of being a football fan ever again. Crazy. Thank you, Ancelotti, for playing your part in it all. 

    Rodriguez is never going to play football again

      Mate, Rodriguez is never going to play football again, it’s all being completely hushed up by the club at the moment, Ancelotti doesn’t want the team being distracted by the run-in if the news breaks out. The players themselves haven’t even been told, it’s going to be the biggest news in football when it breaks - a couple of years ago he decided he wanted to live as a woman and started taking hormone pills, it’s why Real got rid for nothing and no other clubs were in for him. Everton thought it was worth a punt just for the shirt sales in Colombia. It’s weakened his body which is why he’s only managed 60 minutes here and there. Remember the “bruised testicle” earlier in the season. Hormones. After the Anfield game he decided he wanted to go through the full gender reassignment surgery, that’s why he’s not been seen since. He has it done last week. FA says he can’t play in the mens game anymore. They’ve chopped his dick off lad.

      Genuine question, why do people in here hate city so much?

        New to this sub but genuine question, why do people in here hate city so much? I am a huge city fan from Indiana. I will be honest I didn’t start watching city until after Ted Lasso season 4, so I really don’t know a lot about the rivalries and stuff like that but I assume most people in here are PSG, Barca and Miami fans so it’s probably just banter. This week has been extra toxic for city fans like myself and it seems like people in here are starting to take things a little too far. Just my thoughts but yeah lol. Let’s keep things on the pitch. Best of luck this season to everyone


          If Fraudbappe thinks, I disagree. If Fraudbappe speaks, I ignore. If Fraudbappe fails, I'm happy. If the world is against Fraudbappe, I am the world. If Fraudbappe has 7 billion fans, I am none of them. If Fraudbappe has no haters, it's because I no longer exist.
          Mbappé is tactical genius. He is most know of his signature tactic "wanting to leave the club but then staying". He also has second little known tactic of "wanting to leave the club but then taking Neymar's penalties". What a absolute legend. Top 3 sporting director 4 sure

          Barcelona were never the best club in the world

            Barcelona were never the best club in the world, they just had the best players. Barcelona has 30 years of history, Barcelona will never be the best club in the world. City will become the best club in the world faster than Barcelona makes the top 3. And if you still have any doubts, I'll make it clear, Barcelona are shit, they're the shit that everyone passes by, the shit that is left to cook under the sun and washed away by the rain. They're the shit that doesn't even smell Barcelona is shit and they're still bad at it, in fact they re so bad at being shit that if it depended on them toilets would go extint.

            Thats football right there

              Thats fucking football right there copypasta
              Thats fucking football right there. None of that pansy ass dick tugging smile for the camera bullshit. Men puke, men poop on the field, men deliver their new born baby on the side lines. Fucking hard core dick in the ass butterball foosball fuck it chuck it game time shit. Take it to the showers. Dicks get shoved in places you don’t even remember. We win together we celebrate together. Football is back baby.