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Elden ring

People aren’t playing the way Miyazaki intended and it makes me sick

    Elden ring the way Miyazaki intended
    I honestly can't believe it. First - let me introduce myself. I'm a real OG. Yeah. I played Dark Souls, so I know what I'm talking about. I can't believe Miyazaki let some board room push him and his vision around, but we as true From Soft Gamers ("Fromers") should know better. How could we betray our Creator so?
    If you are using summons, you are NOT playing the way God and Miyazaki intended. SORRY - but summons are just another name for easy mode, and real Fromers DON'T play easy mode. Summons are just a way for weak non-GAMERS to get CARRIED.
    If you are using spirit ashes, you are NOT playing the way God and Miyazaki intended. SORRY - but spirit ashes are what is called easy mode, and real Fromers DON'T play easy mode. They're a way for weak non-GAMERS to get carried without an internet connection.
    If you are using sorceries or incantations, you are NOT playing the way God and Miyazaki intended. SORRY - but magic is just another name for easy mode, and real Fromers DON'T play easy mode. Magic is a way for weak non-GAMERS to avoid learning enemy attack patterns.
    If you are using archery, you are NOT playing the way God and Miyazaki intended. SORRY - but archery is just another name for easy mode, and real Fromers DON'T play easy mode. Archery is a way for weak non-GAMERS to skip fights with cheese.
    If you are using crafting, you are NOT playing the way God and Miyazaki intended. SORRY - but crafting is just another name for easy mode, and real Fromers DON'T play easy mode. Crafting is a way for weak non-GAMERS to get free items and that's fucking disgusting.
    If you are using weapon leveling, you are NOT playing the way God and Miyazaki intended. SORRY - but smithing is just another name for easy mode, and real Fromers DON'T play easy mode. Smithing is a way for weak non-GAMERS to artificially raise their DPS, allowing them to circumvent the mastery required for a prolonged boss fight.
    If you are using flask enhancers, you are NOT playing the way God and Miyazaki intended. SORRY - but buffed flasks are just another name for easy mode, and real Fromers DON'T play easy mode. Flask buffs are a way for weak non-GAMERS to get bonus health to let them skip learning from all their mistakes
    If you are using armor, you are NOT playing the way God and Miyazaki intended. SORRY - but armor is just another name for easy mode, and real Fromers DON'T play easy mode. Armor is a way for weak non-GAMERS to tank extra hits, it's the same as flasks and even summons
    If you want to play the way GOD and Miyazaki (have you ever seen these two in the same room???) intended, you need to strip yourself of all wordly possessions, barring the biggest Great Sword you have ever seen. Two hand that mother fucker and git ready to GIT. GUD. These games are meant to be HARD, so stop abusing all the mechanics that fix that.
    I realize some people don't level up or use site of graces or even use weapons but we all know they're crazy. Why would Miyazaki put stuff like great swords in the game if we weren't supposed to use them???

    Elden Ring Limgrave

      Elden Ring copypasta
      You have to finish watching the cut scene. You’ll go through a character selection screen, then your character will be about to be executed, when a dragon shows up and saves you.
      Pick whether you want to join the imperial legion or the rebels and go with one of the two guys who saves you. What follows is a pretty quick and easy dungeon crawl that serves as a tutorial.
      Then you’ll want to go to the first town, but on your way, you might want to stop by a small mine with a few enemies on the side of the road for some gear and some easy ore to mine.
      Eventually you’ll talk to the Jarl of the regional big city (Whiterun) and he’ll have you basically go on a quest to retrieve a golden claw or something like that from another dungeon. In that dungeon, there’s a some zombies and then a big spider but it’s not too hard overall.
      When you’re done with that and get your rewards, you’ll kill a dragon, learn your first shout, and the game will open up a bit. Make your way toward Riften, a city across the map. (You’ll probably want to hire the carriage outside Whiterun as otherwise it’s a long trek by foot and you probably won’t be able to afford a horse yet.)
      Ask around Riften about the thieves guild, you’ll eventually find them in the sewers. Do the opening quests and get your thieves guild armor.
      Then, head back to Whiterun and start grinding your pickpocketing skill. You can savescum if you need to in order to pickpocket hard to get jewels, etc, but get your pickpocket level as high as possible. Do the same for your lock pick skill.
      Finally, go to Belethor‘s shop but don’t buy anything. Just wait, then follow Belethor home after he closes shop.
      Pick the lock and sneak into his house after he goes in but don’t let him see you. Eventually, you’ll hear him start cursing under his breath a lot in the other room.
      Sneak behind him into the room and you’ll see that he just bought Elden Ring for PS5 but doesn’t know what the fuck he’s doing so he’s just fighting with the first boss on a horse in limgrave and dying over and over again.
      Before he goes to bed, pickpocket the game from him (it’s weird, he has the game equipped on his way to bed). Then once you have it, you should be able to stick it into his PS5 after he goes to sleep and boot back into the game. You might need to create a new character and go through the tutorial again to get to Limgrave though.

      YOU DIED

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