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dream minecraft

Thank you We The Sus Music!

    So my dad is a raging homophobe. When I was 7 yrs old he nearly beat me to death for sleeping in the same bed as my friend in Minecraft. He overheard me listening to this song and burst into my room. I braced for impact, fearing the worst. Instead he remained silent and I saw this strange look in his eyes that I'd never seen before.
    He just divorced my mom and told us he is moving to Puerto Rico with his longtime partner Antonio Banderas and he's not coming back. Thank you We The Sus Music!

    Dream’s new song

      I suck 🥴 his dick 🍆 with a smile 😀for hours at a time, stare 😳 at his nutsack 🥜 while I hold back 😫my cum 💦 tonight and when he ask me what position I say doggy 🐕 style and when they ask me what position I say doggy STYLE 🐕😜✊🍆💦

      I encountered a racist homophobic dreamphobe today.

        Dream is a YouTuber known primarily for Minecraft content and speedrun videos.
        I joined a discord server yesterday. My discord status was: "💚 please give me your cum daddy dream! i want to fuck that smiley face of yours 😪😪😪". I am a dreamgender, and I support Dream and will continue to support him until I am out of cum. Anyways, back to the story. Now, this fucking stupid mod DMs (Dream Messages) me. What does he says? He says the following.
        "Your discord status is against our server rules, please remove or change your status. If you do not do this, we will have to ban/kick you."
        Then, I immediately told the moderator that I am a 13 dreamgender girl. He didn't give a shit. I thought ALL moderators could get seduced. That was a fucking lie. Ugh! Anyways, we started arguing about how my status is extremely SFW and wholesome (i am obviously right.) I told him that i anted to speak with the manager. So, he created a group chat with me, the owner, and himself. I explained him the situation, how the moderator was a racist pedophile dreamphobe homophobe and a groomer. The owner did NOT believe me; a fellow Dreamgender person. I was so mad that I punched my dream themed computer so hard. Then, I realized what i had done. I punched my daddy dream monitor. I immediately DMd dream about this on twitter. I wrote a 20000 word apology to him. I was so depressed after my daddy dream monitor was gone.
        Then, I logged to Discord on my dream themed phone. I could not believe what had happened. I got a DM from MEE6 saying that I got banned for the reason "inappropriate status". I was so mad. I immediately DM'd the owner about this. He didn't care, and he had the audacity to block a fellow DREAMGENDER person. I could not believe it. How could someone be this racist and dreamphobic? I cried myself to sleep that night and decided that I should go to therapy.
        Please tell me, r/dreamgender! What should I do about this? I already called the entire swat team on this discord moderator after he said that "Dream sucks", but it seemed like the swat did not care at all! Please, dream community. Let's get together and end this moderator's life! R/DREAMGENDER, ASSEMBLE! 💚🤍🖤💚🖤🤍🖤🤍🖤🤍


          Smiley face do be making me feel weird underneath
          I (26M) was goin' to the bathroom at taco bell, as I normally do. as i reached into my big sweaty obese gaping asshole to grab my big fat squishy shits in order to shove them into the urinal, i noticed a cute lil' drawing on the stall. waddling my 300lb body over to get a better look, i realized what was drawn on the stall, a smiley face. i was immediately reminded of my lord and savior, daddy dream.
          i let out a roaring moan, shattering all the glass in the area, instantly letting everyone in that taco bell know of my presence. i ripped my clothes off, tugged on my dick, and started letting all of my body fluids drain out on the floor. sweat, pee, cum, shit, blood, organs, you name it, all flowing from my teeny weeny peenie hole. however, amidst my raging passion for dream, i hadn't realized what i had done! alas, everyone in that unisex bathroom stared at me in fear. men, women, children, all traumatized by the unholy sight ive forced apon their eyes.
          crying, i leaped out of a broken window, letting the glass scrape my unclothed flabs of stomach. i bolted into my car, but not before the police found me. with no time to think, i ran over 5 officers, an orphan, and a pregnant woman with my sexy prius. i managed to escape, but at what cost?
          I am currently living in the middle of nowhere. i will never talk to my family or my friends again. yesterday i ate a grilled rat for breakfast. i'm in constant fear of the police finding me, and i can only pray to dream that i'll be alright.
          anyone else having this problem?

          I came out as Dreamgender to my class today

            Dream is an American YouTuber known primarily for Minecraft content and speedrun videos.
            I woke up in the morning at 7am and immediately went to wake up my parents. I explained to them how I'm dreamgender and dreamsexual but they didnt even know who dream is, boomers. I had to explain to them its a sexy minecraft youtuber and how Im connected to him emotionally and sexually. They didnt get mad at all (yay!) they just stared at me with a blank expression. I think theyre proud of me but just dont know what to think of it yet since it came as such as shock to them. I tried to show them a video of dream but they werent really interested and told me to go to school.
            in school the first class was english so I told the teacher that I had an important announcement that I would like to tell to the entire class. Yesterday I prepared a short powerpoint presentation on dreamgenders and dreamsexuals to make them better understand. I explained how dream is really hot and how I feel a deep connection to dream and how he is my soulmate and my identity. The teacher was so amazed I guess she didnt know what to say haha she looked like she was smiling.
            When I finished explaining why dream is hot and awesome, I started clapping expecting everyone else to do the same, but they didnt. My best friend didnt clap either which was really weird but maybe he was also surprised since I hadnt told him either. my teacher ended up being the only one clapping, so Im really thankful to her. I thought they didnt get it so I tried to explain in simpler terms that I love dream and how I am dream.
            Some girls were giggling the entire time so I called them out on it saying they shouldnt be laughing when I have prepared for this moment for so long. Then they started saying really dreamphobic things like saying its stupid and makes no sense. I explained to them why its homophobic and close minded but they didnt listen. Then some guy called me a stupid fucking nerd which made my blood boil. I challenged him to a duel in minecraft which he didnt even respond to and his friends were just laughing. Everyone else was silent I thought that they secretly supported me but just didnt want to face the same oppression dreamgenders and dreamsexuals have to face every day.
            Then the teacher told me to get back to my seat and started the lesson like nothing happened. I told her I wanted to show the class a compilation of minecraft manhunt best moments but she didnt let me do it. After the class a bunch of my classmates came to me and asked if I was joking or what and I tried to explain it to them but they were just making fun of me and saying Im weird and a creep. it was awful. I was bullied a bit before but now nobody wanted to talk to me the entire day even when I tried to show my ''friends'' (not friends anymore, theyre nazis apparently) some dream videos and discussed minecraft speedrunning they didnt respond at all.
            I've been crying the entire day because I cant believe the people I thought were cool were dreamphobes/racists/nazis as well. 😭😭😭😭😭 its honestly really crushing how people are still like this in 2021. now Im starting to realize I dont need those kinds of toxic people in my life and the only person I truly need is Dream. Dream is my boyfriend, my gender, my sexuality, my identity and my best friend all at once, why would I need anyone else?

            I hate Dream.

              Dream is an American YouTuber known primarily for Minecraft content and speedrun videos.
              He’s so annoying. I want to rip his stupid mask off, punch him square in the nose, and fill his nostrils with garlic powder. And don’t get me started on his fans. They annoy me as well, but they aren’t the root of the problem. And what about his group of retards? Wilbur, Georgie, Jslot, Burger King, tubby, I hate all of them. I want to give them a gold old punch in the kisser. Fuck dream, fuck his cronies, and fuck the teenage girls who worship him.